HMS Savage build

Hi Barry

I see what you mean, up forward you can't see them but it looks as if they show aft.

Hell of a difference in depth on those colours.

Comeing along great almost there :D




Started rigging Savage with the ships motor boat using cotton thread , it will be a long job waiting till the UHU is dry to pull the thread tight. Also added parts of the foredeck railings and the odd rails round the AA platforms.

Getting faster building railing strips but still have do them better it's not so much soldering the railings, as cutting the second row cross pieces all to the same length without bits of wire zooming all over the room.

At least spraying the rails with grey primer speeds things up a bit.

Way to go barry

Looks great and its amazing how quick the rails can be made once you get the hang of it as you have.

It realy, realy looks great


More rigging

Hi All

Did some more rigging last night and discovered I must join the "thinking set" on this site. When I started Savage I did not think really of putting on a full set of rigging or rails so I forgot to make any provision for them, which of course makes life a bit difficult.

I forgot to anchor the funnel stays inside the tube when I built it so fitting them became a nightmare. Also I should have provided some anchorage points on the deck. I am wondering wether to leave the hull sides off Fuso until after the rigging is done.

To cap it all I forgot to treat the cotton to give it some stiffness so I shall have to run pva glue over what is already done very carefully.

Rob gave me a tip of splitting the ends of the cotton and wrapping it both sides of the spars I got a bit too enthusiastic so I hope the PVA will stick them down a bit.


Nice rigging, Barry!

I had a similar experience in rigging the funnel stays on Mexico Victory. Had I thought it through before putting the house and deck together I would have poked some small holes through the deck and slipped the rigging threads from the bottom, and glued them in place before hand.
Then I could have simply put holes in the funnel and before putting the top of the stacks on passed the threads through, applied glue and got a tighter stay. What I ended up doing was getting the thread stiff with PVA and then rigged it like wire, gluing the bottom into a small hole and CAREFULLY piercing the stack for the other end. I managed to get by doing this, but it would have been easier (less measuring and re-measuring to get all the stays relatively in proportion to each other) to do it as the house was being built, so to speak. Oh well, live and hopefully learn! :lol:

She's looking great, Barry! :D


Hi All

Well what I always fear towards the end of a build my b****y hands stopped working and I dropped Savage from about 4 foot in the air mast down of course, anyway I straightened it out more or less and added some more of the rigging, just 2 backstays to go now. The wires seem to go more or less where they should so it is somewhere near right.

I've heard of some unique methods to impart a bit of realism to a model, battle damage, weathering, but this is the first time I've heard of the "drop it from four feet" technique. :lol:

Seriously, I am very glad it wasn't damaged too badly, Barry. It looks like it survived very well; either that or you're an ace in damage control. :)

Barry, the rigging came out great! :D
Looks like a bit more rigging and you're finished, right?

Great photos!

Savage rigging

Hi All


damage contol had to dash out because the mast and rigging had bent at about 140 degrees off vertical so it was a case of close your eyes twist till it feels about straight and hope, then some gentle tugs on the spars to get the tension back into the rigging and finally a large brandy and a rest from rigging for a while.

I think it looks OK from 10 inches away so I shall not have to rebuild it.

Added the backstays and the aerials to the bridge I decided to leave one pair off the lower spar I felt I was pushing my luck a bit. I must invest in some "fly" scissors mine are not brilliant on cotton.

I think tonight I will work on Fuso she has not got any masts on yet. After saying I was going to leave the hull sides off until I had done the rigging I found there is no rigging down to the deck on Fuso

Hi Barry

Glad the damage was slight, it proves she is of a solid construction and the joints on the mast are good ones :D

Nearly done and she can join the fleet.

Look forward to the finished photos :roll:


Savage rails

Hi All

Finally completed Savages railings, on one side anyway, these photo are just in case I drop it again. The rails go up and down a bit but never mind it gives the impression. Looking at the photos there is still a little damage repair to the foredeck rails needed.

Savage looks superb, barry!

The rigging turned out excellent; you can't tell there was an accident at all. :)

Outstanding job, Barry!

Who said you dropped it? :lol:

You've pretty much mastered the soldering I see. :D

After the port railings, is that it? Will she be done?
And you WILL post a whole slew of photos when she is about to slip down the ways, wait, don't want to say "slip", do we :lol: ; well, you know what I mean, lots of photos when done, please? :D
Savage on to the last bits

Hi All

Still quite a few bits to go on but nearing the end I think. A lot of ladders left to do so they are going to take a while so I will post when all are complete.

Savage still finishing

Hi All

Still finishing the last bits on Savage I am taking the attitude if it looks right at 10 inches then OK. My fingers are too stiff to do a proper Ron and Rob soldering job, but I finally managed to build a passable crows nest ladder, you would not believe how many bits of scrunched wire turned up in my ashtray.

I have about 8 more ladders to go but thankfully they are short ones and still a few more ventilators.


Please note the correction to the junk stowage on the port side.

