Hi from germany


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2015
Dreieich, Germany
Hi folks,
just rediscovered papercrafting and looked for forums with this topic. After registering at papermodellers.com I also discovered Zealot while looking for some specific models.
I am not the best papercrafter ever but I am trying ;)
At the Moment I am building a Raven mech which derived from the actual Battletech Computer Game Mechwarrior Online.
Hi back from Germany! :)

Welcome to Zealot! I am German, too, and a big SciFi fan (mostly BSG, Buck Rogers, Star Wars, Star Trek etc.). I'd love to see some pics of your build, so please feel free to start a thread! :)

Have fun and enjoy! :)

Beste Grüße

Hello and welcome top Zealot. You have come to the right place for all things SCI-FI! Many of the members here are into SCI-FI (myself included). So I hope that you feel at home.

Here, it does not matter what your skill level is. The members here are of many different skill levels. So there is no need to be afraid of posting your work. By all means, post photos of your work (if you have any).
We are not here to pass judgement or criticise you. However we may offer suggestions on how to improve your skills and recommend different techniques.
This is a place where like minded people come together to share information, ideas, tips & techniques, and help promote this hobby, as well as help those who are new to it (like yourself).

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, need help or advice, please feel free to ask and we will do what we can to help you (or at least point you in the right direction).

Once again, welcome aboard. I hope that you enjoy yourself and I am looking forward to seeing your work.
Welcome to Zealot McTschegin!! :)