Hello from Montreal!


New Member
Dec 23, 2011
Montreal Canada
Hello all!

Name's Jason and I'm very new to the hobby. I'm mainly interested in building terrain and maybe the odd vehicle for 6mm gaming. But I'm also a very creative person (or at least like to think that I am lol) and already have ideas for my own peices once I get a better sense of the hobby/techniques/etc.

Right now my main interest is developing modular terrain peices. Moutains, rivers, buildings, etc. Principally sci fi stuff. And I also want to see if I can design some veeeery small vehicles to populate my soon to be beautiful gaming tables.

Happy holidays everyone!
:welcome1: to the forum Jason, we have a Train section that if you search through can give you some tips for making that type of terrain. There are some incredible layouts there and I am sure you could find something. Welcome aboard! :)
Welcome aboard Jason, great to have you here. I agree with Zathros, you should find allot of good information in the RR section.
Looking forward to seeing some pictures of your builds and creations. We love to see pictures here so don't be shy, post away.
I'm mainly interested in building terrain and maybe the odd vehicle for 6mm gaming.
Hello from France

Hello, my name is Jean-Hugues and I live in France in a town called La Rochelle on the Atlantic coast. I am former military and loves the model in all its forms. There is little time, I discovered the papercraft and since I got made ​​and I like it. I am very impressed with all your achievements and I hope one day to do the same. Thank you to receive from you on Zealot. I do not speak English :cry: and I apologize for that wall1. Fortunately Google is here to help. Thank you
Hello, my name is Jean-Hugues and I live in France in a town called La Rochelle on the Atlantic coast. I am former military and loves the model in all its forms. There is little time, I discovered the papercraft and since I got made ​​and I like it. I am very impressed with all your achievements and I hope one day to do the same. Thank you to receive from you on Zealot. I do not speak English :cry: and I apologize for that wall1. Fortunately Google is here to help. Thank you

Valmy is a good dear friend and a countryman of yours. I use Google Translate all the time. You are doing fine, don't worry about it, really. Just post lots of pictures. A picture speaks a 1000 words! :)