Hawl's Moving Castle on my hand


New Member
Apr 25, 2005
Hi, I'm Tetsuya, new to this forum.

I built this model about 5 years ago.
It's Epson's "Howl's Moving Castle", printed in 50% scale, 4 sheets in 1 paper.
And not only width and height, paper thickness is also reduced.
I mean, I used ordinary thin PPC paper of 0.1mm thickness instead of card stock.
That was fun to build it.
Cute moving castle, isn't it?


  • DSCF0040-2.JPG
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Thank you!
This photo always reminds me that it's fun to build the papermodel. (^_-)

Oh, I couldn't start it in full size because of the number of card stock (it's expensive!!).
That's why I decided to build it in half scale.

How come you know that!?
Very cool! It's bizzare in an appealing way... sorta steampunk.

You know what? Picture of the Week for you! :thumb:
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I am currentlly working on this version of howl's castle. (one of three current projects) I am very impressed that you did it at that scale. I am building it at the regular size and I still have to give my eyes and fingers breaks sometimes. Yours looks great, hope mine turns out a fraction as nice as yours.
Have you considered doing this version of it? Right now it is a little out of my skill level, but it is on the growing list of to-do models.


  • howlspapercraft2.jpg
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Wow, I'm impressed.

It's on my 'to do' list... but about, oh, a few years away. ^^;
Good work! what paper weight did you use? I am currently building the Kodansha version...very complicated so don't know when it will be completed.
Wow amazing

It is an amazing model, and with this new scale is better
are the same templates with different scale?
or there are new templates?:eek: