H.G. Watkins - BB43 USS Tennessee

Thanks Jim and Chris.

More teeth is indeed what I have to show today. All the 5" mounts and all the 20mm guns are complete on the starboard side.

I've started turret #4. I have the turret and base all assemebled. I've inserted the aluminum tube barrels just to check for fit. I've got to roll the barrels with the paper finish and add the gun turret optics and ladders to complete turret #4.

I'll finish it up in the next day or two. Then on to turret #3.

Main Rifles Finished!

Well, turret #3 was a little slow in coming. Not that it was the model, but I took this past weekend off from modeling in order to paint my modeling room. Two coats of shale gray (a light blueish gray) which will give the appearance of a pale North Atlantic sky. Just the proper back drop for displaying ship models. 8)

Now I'm back on the Tennessee, with more focus. All the main batteries are complete and now all I have left in the way of arms is five sets of quad 40mm's. These all go in tubs on the Starboard side. I should knock those out soon.

Then I can move on to the ships boats, the smaller deck elements and the fantail stuff such as the catapult and plane, etc... Getting close to home now.

Gets more interesting each post and of course as Jim would say more pics only trouble is I have to wait for at least a day before ImageShack lets me see some of them usually.
Thanks Gregory and Barry!

Much more done as of today. I've completed the 40mm quads on the starboard side. I've completed the plane catapult and the crane on the fantail.

Finished the carly floats as well.

Moving on the the ships anchors, spot lights, and other deck details now.

Thanks for looking in!

Lots Complete!

I haven't abandoned this build. Trust me, it's still going.

I've completed a lot of the smaller details as well as the final paper ones.

Shown in the pictures are a pair of the scratch-built boat hoists. I had to base these on pictures of BB-43 and some of a wonderful 1/96 scale model I saw recently of the BB-43. These hoists are made from styrene and silk thread.

Also complete is the last paper aspect of the model... The Vought Kingfisher float plane. The one with the Watkins kit was just not detailed nor accurate enough for my tastes. So I went on a kit expedition. I bought the Fiddler's Green Kingfisher and found that it didn't reduce well. Then I remembered the 1/250 version that Digital Navy has on their website as a free download (with the Arizona turret). I scaled it back 70% and it was perfect. I've built it and placed it on the catapult.

All that's left now is the handrails and rigging. I've started those now. Attaching etched brass handrails as I post this. Rigging will come last.

All coming together now.

Thanks Chris!

The handrails are going quickly, so I should have them wrapped up in the next day or two.

Rigging should go pretty fast too. There wasn't the spider-web of lines on these class ships like some others in the USN...
I've been meaning to check in on your updates, eibwarrior...making great progress! I love the top on view you posted earlier...great picture!

You've made quite a superb model out of this basic design, a masterful production through out. Very much looking forward to seeing your further updates when you are able.

Keep at it, mate...she's brilliant!

She's Finished!!!

Thanks for the kind comments Jim. A basic model indeed. Watkins gives us the framework, and then we get to dabble a bit and spruce things up.

I've completed all the handrails and the rigging, so now my work is done. I'm quite pleased with how it came out. With some of the scratch built items and the stroke of luck here and there, it turned out well. The Digital Navy Kingfisher is a nice touch. I'm glad that inspiration came to me. 8)

My only hang ups are the deck/former issue at the forcastle, and the card that the model was printed on, but otherwise it turned out well. The card didn't hold up well to the rigors of folding and scoring, etc. I'll try a different kind on my next printing.

Here's some pictures of the Volunteer State Battlewagon, I hope you all enjoy seeing it finished as much as I.

A truly glorious finish to a fantastic build thread, Mark!

She really came out brilliantly, and the additional work and effort is clearly evident in the finished model...job very VERY well done!!

Thanks for taking along on this journey...can't wait to see what you have in store for us next!


Great work! It has been interesting watching your progress on this old & rare kit. I was curious about the layout of the superstructure of the Tennessee and the arrangements of the secondary guns, directors, and other fittings. One of these days, I'd like to build one myself.

Thanks for sharing the pics.
Thanks everyone. I'm glad you took such interest in this build. It was fun for me and very educational.

It wasn't a model for a beginner, that's for sure.

I'm going to take a bit of a break for a while and then get into my Indianapolis in a few weeks.

Thanks for looking in and thanks for all the support!