Griswold County Court House

What can I possibly say that hasn't been said already in here Robin???:eek: :eek: :eek:

It's simply awesome! and the rate at which you make such quality models is incredible.

It seems you lined the inside of each window aperture and fitted sills, geeeeee, you must have the patience of Jobe :) , (and no hair left on your head :D :D )
I also see that the window panes/frames are separate too, would you like to tell us how you made them .... pleeeeeese.

You made a magnificent job of the courthouse which I feel is better than the station (and the station impressed the hell out of me) ....... well done sir! If I had as many thumbs as Tyson I'd have them all showing too.
Makes me want to book a flight to Toronto next summer to see it for real on that corner module.

Thanks so much for all the thumbs up folks. This is a much easier building to make compared to the CP station which had so many angles. Tileguy, not sure what all goes into the train order board but will look into it. Errol I made the windows the same way as I showed for the CP Station.
Arl a couple of photos as you requested.
When the back of a building isn't visible from the front, I don't put as much detail into it. In this case just a receiving dock.
Rory, the group on the CD is The Rankin Family collection.


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Heres a photo from the top Arl. You asked where I got the idea from. I did a google search for courthouses and selected one that had a general front view and a close up of a dome, I just drew it up from there right onto the cardboard. I don't draw up plans of any kind on paper beforehand.


  • ch12.jpg
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Wonderful!!! Thanks! :D

That's what I thought... I'm trying to do the same thing... I'm presently making an office building that is roughly 12 cm wide. I only have a picture from the front, but it seems rather simple. I wasn't sure what to put in the rear, but seeing yours has given me some ideas... thanks again! :)
Actually, you need to put a covered Dolorian (sp?) parked underneath with some "odd wiring" connected to that clock and a gray haired scientist arguing with a police officer about permits! :D
George, I guess I started this about two weeks ago doing a google search for courthouses. I found one I liked with a front view and a dome view so based my model on it. I didn't do any detail planning but drew the dimensions directly onto the cardboard. The size was determined by the space I had for it and my trusty N gauge ruler for window and door sizes.