Graphics Software

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Active Member
Jan 17, 2004
Bristol, UK
Hullo. This forum is for any discussions on graphics software used for creating paper models. I personally use CorelDraw, but don't hold that against me! All questions and comments welcome, I hope we can all learn something new and useful. If you are interested in designing your own models, remember to keep an eye on NOBI's forum as well.

Now, onward and upward!

Ho Ho! Exactly! I used to get really cheesed off with Illustrator and Photoshop users (usually Mac users, by the way!) who sneered at anything else, especially if it was on a PC! Same when I was a photgrapher; the arguments between Canon or Nikon or Olympus fans: I deliberately bought a Russian Zenith once, just to prove the point! Which I did, but I left that club not long afterwards...

As with all crafts and arts, the craftsman or the artist is the most important factor in the equation. Imagination, skill, judgement, determination, all go towards the final success, or otherwise, of the piece. Which tools he uses are incidental; well, almost.

Hey, looking at your site, I am clearly preaching to the converted! All success to you, you deserve it.

I still use Coreldraw, and Rhinoceros for 3D work. Paint Shop Pro and Wings, as well as a few others get played with sometimes, but I'm a great believer in getting really competent with a couple of tools, rather than dabbling in dozens, however tempting. Of course, when I win the Lottery I will give up the day job and have plenty of time to get expert in all of them!

Best wishes,

Tim P
I use Photo Shop Elements 2.0 primarily, although I have played around with both Inkscape and GIMP--two remarkable programs. I like PE 2.0 as it has more of the feel of Photoshop than the later versions. BTW Elements is well under $100....maki8ng it a very economical program. Of course GIMP is freeware and you can't beat that price. Each have features not duplicated in the others--but it's easy to move documents betweeen all three platforms.

Can u tell me a bit about GIMP... what is it, what it can do... how can I try it out?
I Use Mirai, and3dsMax, on my geometry... and there is also a free version available for download (GMAX), almost as capable in some ways as true MAX. Of course, I think you really can't beat Photoshop for the artwork part of making a model... LAYERS, LAYERS, LAYERS!
John Griffin.
Try 'vector' sometime (the professional printing standard) - knocks bitmap/layers into a cocked hat! ;) :grin:

The reason I'd suggest working in vector is that it can be scaled infinitely without any loss of quality or clarity. You could do a 1:72 scale Boeing 747 and then do one at 1:1 scale (provided you had a big enough printer of course).

There'd be no 'pixelation' on enlargement that you always get with bitmap images. :)


Why is there no mention of AutoCAD. I use AutoCAD Lt2002 and love it. All of my 3D modeling is done after the 2D drawing!

Works very well, is easy to scale to any size. Very soon I'm going to build a 112.5" Long SR71 Blackbird (1' = 1"). Just need a bigger place to park it once done, the drawing is already done just waiting to print!


BTW-Working on 61" Long x42" Wingspan V1 Bomb

John Griffin said:
Can u tell me a bit about GIMP... what is it, what it can do... how can I try it out?
I Use Mirai, and3dsMax, on my geometry... and there is also a free version available for download (GMAX), almost as capable in some ways as true MAX. Of course, I think you really can't beat Photoshop for the artwork part of making a model... LAYERS, LAYERS, LAYERS!
John Griffin.


In short The GIMP is an open-source Photoshop competitor. Very similar interface and capabilities, including layers. I've been learning it myself over the past couple months and am very impressed with what it can do.

mbauer said:
Why is there no mention of AutoCAD. I use AutoCAD Lt2002 and love it. All of my 3D modeling is done after the 2D drawing!

Works very well, is easy to scale to any size. Very soon I'm going to build a 112.5" Long SR71 Blackbird (1' = 1"). Just need a bigger place to park it once done, the drawing is already done just waiting to print!


BTW-Working on 61" Long x42" Wingspan V1 Bomb

I think this is the reason not many people use autocad in this forum!

OUR PRICE (exc. VAT): £ 3,063.11

I've been using (free online) and now starting to utilize Siatki 3.2 ( cost me only about $66USD and where all you have to do is input the measurements you want to work with for a cube, sphere, pyramid, whatever, and it shows you what the object will look like and then unfolds it for you) for more rounded and complicated objects.

Where to find them:

Paint.NET - Free Software for Digital Photo Editing

Siatki 3.2:


I've found both to be very intuitive and easy to learn!:thumb:


Ping-Pong Ball Cannon and N/Z scale Old West paper models (free samples) at: paperbeam - virtual paper models
I use Illustrator CS2 with the Cad Tools plug-in and Photoshop CS. My choice was simple they were supplied with a company laptop. I have used CorelDraw several years ago and at that time preferred it over Illustrator. I think the best software is the one that you know the best and therefore can get a project finished quickly.

Jim Nunn
I think the best software is the one that you know the best and therefore can get a project finished quickly.

Jim Nunn

Definitely with that! I've been struggling with Blender for more than one year and haven't managed to produce a single model from it, while with Rhino I can design models like a production line...
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