Goodbye to all


Registered Member
Dec 17, 2000
The time has come for me to quit the internet, getting too costly.
Good luck to all members.
I won't cry, we'll see you soon!

Warmest wishes and heartfelt thanks for everything you've contributed to this site and our skills and imagination.

see you later, dear friend!

Thanks for your help & inspiration. You are a gifted artist and a great teacher; a rare combination. I'm sure we will be making contact in the future; I can't imaghine being in the hobby without your skills to lead me. Take care, Jim
I know how costs of been on line can be overwhelming, we here in South Africa suffer from high telepnone costs I only can remain active because I burn the midnight oil, but before leaving please give me your telephone number as I woughd like to contact you next week please send me an e-mail before Wednesday Your contribubution will be sorely missed and you pictures will always remain an insperation to all who want to obtain o
I'm sorry to see you go Shamus. I've learned much from reading your posts & articles.
There are times (at least once a month) when I want to chuck this whole on-line thing too.
Though The Gauge may be at a loss, I'm sure Badger Creek will prosper from the extra time & funds you'll now have.
Good luck to you & yours, friend!
shamus - I'm sure we'll all miss your insights and terrific photos - I know I will. Guess we'll have to figure how to muddle along without you. Try to visit once in a while.
Bill K

Sorry to hear you have to give it all up. I'm sure you'll drop in from time to time to see what's happening. Good luck with Badger Creek! And keep us all informed of how everything is going.

Just holler a "TOOT" for me every now and then!


[This message has been edited by Woodie (edited 07-01-2001).]
Shamus,I will miss you my friend.

Catt! NARA#1 & A freelancer for life
I think this could be classed as a derailment at The Gauge, hopefully only temporary.

I've already spoken to you Shamus but would still like to publicly thank you for your great contribution to this community

Thanks friend

Dave Hagan
The Gauge
just by looking at the photo's of this guys layout, he has to be one of the best, the VERY best!! sorry to see you go!

NARA Member #8
The Appalachian & Atlantic Railroad

It's sad tou hear that your are leaving us.
I hope you can come back here, very soon. I don't know about the UK, but here in the US we can access the internet from our local libaries. As someone who specailizes in communications, I would find a way back! I hope you are not gone forever. I'll be looking towards the day you will be back.

All the best,
I can't say it any better that others already have, but I do want to add my best wishes. Your contributions to the arts of model railroading and photography are valued by us. I do hope you are departing with a round-trip ticket in hand.

My photo albums:

Southbury, CT

[This message has been edited by Peirce (edited 07-02-2001).]
Well, friend. we have your photos and articles in the academy, but how will we muggle along with out your wizardly modeling advice?? I will miss your posts here, and our email correspondence. I hope we might exchange a letter now and then.
All the best to you, and God Bless.
Shamus, you can rest assured that you will NEVER be replaced by anyone here on the Gauge.
Your knowledge and your gift to explain will be sadly missed.
Your friend
Lance Challenger