football fantasy

rich maiorano

Apr 27, 2002
levittown pa
hey guys I started a fantasy football league for us so any takers out there please go here and sign up hope to see you there rich

sorry will post url as soon as i can find it again and its free guys
Fantasy League? Football? - I'm lost

Er, forgive me but, what's about this all?

Being an european ignorant, I don't know nothing about the native tribal rites. :rolleyes:

Please, enlighten me: How can I join and what is supposed that I must do? :D :p :D
you need a foot ball then you run down the field in hopes the other team doesn't jump on you.

if you make it all the way down the field or even if you don't your team mates pat you on the butt.:D :D :)

I'm with Tyson, Bring on the cheerleaders. :cool: :cool:
hey i will look for the cheerleaders and topo its where a bunch of fat over payed guys try and kill each other each sunday and theres the cheerleaders and will post a link for that when i find one thats real NFL cheerleaders :D
I could have asked better...

I mean, I know what is american football (like the rugby here, but with a lot of protectors & helmets :D ). That I wanted to ask is about that 'virtual' league thing. How do you join? :confused:

Rich, about the cheerleaders... :p :cool: :p :D :D
Hey Topo - isn't there an American "football" team in Barcelona, maybe called the Dragons?

Anyway, what happens in a fantasy league is that, there is a real professional league that has teams in cities all across the US. Owners of fantasy league teams will "draft" players from these teams. The real teams play once a week usually, and how the players on your fantasy team do in their real games determines how your fantasy team does. Depending on the fantasy league, there will be more detailed rules, but that's the general idea.

Personally I prefer the kind of football that Brazil won the WOrld Cup for recently (called soccer in the US).
that true love it play fubol in highschool but that was a long time ago :D

they does't anybody want to play :confused: I thought this was a good idea just for bragging rights alone :confused:
Hi Billk

I remember to have eard something about this Barcelona team, but I'm for sure that you know more than me about, because there are years that I 'm not big sports guy! :eek: (what a pity! In my highschool years I played rugby with out university team. Now, I'm just champion of 'sofa-ball' :rolleyes: ).

Hey, Rich. I will be happy to play, but you must give-me some guidance for get into these web page and register-me (or wathever I must do)
go here and sign up ,name your team and join our league(the gauge) the draft is automatic you can change the order of your picks but there already rank as far as good vs bad any problems just message me and i will get back to as fast as i can, heres the site you have to sign up first to get your id and password you will see it at under when it asked for your id