Figurine build: Kirakishou


Dec 1, 2006
Oxford, UK
In homage to that recently closed website, I dug up this model from my to-do list and decided to make a start.
Um... Now I know why this model has 11 pages...

"For the sake of us cardmodellers, we request Kirakishou to change her hairstyle":twisted:
I'll be following this build, I have been wanting to make this one. Great start.
This is one of my favorites and what looks to be one of the more difficult models in this anime line.
You seem to be handling it quite well too! Her hair looks great!
You have captured her "essence", I guess you could say. Very nice work, Nezard!

Don't know if I will ever get around to doing one of these but it sure is nice having a front row seat to the show!
I will be keeping an eye out for any updates to your progress so keep on working at her, your doing great!8)

And I thought hairs were hard...

Turns out the harder bit is to come... The (what's it called?) on the edges of her clothes were torturous to build. (The relaxing music from Classic FM helped to keep me going~)

Amazyah said:
You have captured her "essence"
In the anime somebody said the dollmaker actually go into such length as to give words of reassurance to his build, I think that goes for every cardmodeller here ;)

The 7th doll of Rozen Maiden is now complete, finally...

Summary: The toughest parts are the hands (with each fingers measuring about 1mm diameter), the shoes, and the edges around her clothes. The hairs also take time but are not difficult.

(Finally found a decent album for pics ^_^)





Thats great! Nice work on that - super job on the hair even though it could use to be a little fuller :p just kidding there. :D
Awesome Nezard :eek: A great build of what looks like a very difficult model.:thumb:

PS - Going to be updating the Pristontale Archer thread soon - I finally finished that d***ed bow wall1

Amazyah said:
You have really outdone yourself! What could you possibly do to top it????

That one now stands as a masterpiece in my collection... Think I'll not touch on something complicated as that again in a few months. --It's mostly the designers that matters in these figurines, with Mizuirogakuen closed, I might have a hard time finding another beautiful model like this one.