
Tyson Rayles

Active Member
Sep 25, 2001
Poverty Acres, North Carolina
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Due to an increase in work projects along with some health concerns and the summer mowing and weedeating season I will not be here on as regular a basis. Since I started doing some modeling projects for hire it has not only cut into time but desire as well it seems to work on my own stuff. Maybe when I get some of this other stuff out of my hair :eek: :( .If you don't see me for a couple of days don't panic :D if something drastic happens like I croak :D :eek: :p someone will be sure to let you know. And no I don't seem to have anything that wrong at this time anyway ;) . Some that know me know I haven't been real happy with the changes here and that is the main reason for posting this. I am not going to give up on the Gauge because of a few glitches that they will get worked out. There is too many friends and too much good info here to give up that easily. :thumb: :cool: :D
Gee wizz my friend, don't take too long in coming back. I for one will miss you.

Dear Ty, thanks for letting us know. I was concerned about your decreased activity and hoped you were not put off by all hte changes. Deep inside, I knew the HEAD flunky wouldn't give up his post that easy. You have a big responsibilty here!

I think I speak on bahalf of many, many people here in saying you are truely missed when you are not about regularly. Do pace yourself so you have time for what you love most. ME! erm, that slipped out, :eek:ops: , I mean your HOBBY! :D :D :D

Keep well friend :cry:
Hi Tyson,

Don't stay away to long as you have a lot of knowledge to share. You sure have helped me out in the past and I sure have appreciated all the help you have gave me. Remember I was the one who thought I would haft to redo all my balast work and asked for help. There was Tysen with a simple trick and got me right back on track. Thanks again' I;m also not very happy with all the changes but I'm sure not leaving this wonderful learning place. Heck I can't even get my thumbs up to work but I sure can talk to the greatest modelers from all over the world. Don't stay away to long as you will be missed.

Hi Tyson,

I must admit I hate to see you go to the background, since I always enjoyed both your modeling and your clear opinions. But there are times when the environment changes and we all have to adjust from time to time.

I'm happy to see that you'll give the Gauge another chance, and once when the last ailings are ironed out :D :D :D you even might come back an a more frequent basis...

I wish you happy times with your new enterprises. Take care and come back when the mood strikes. Lots of friends are waiting for you! :thumb: :wave:

Hey Tyson,you back yet? What the hells the hold up buddy,you know your missed.
Yo, Ty, I've found wrapping my head in a towel soaked in Labelle 108 lubricant while inhaling Testor's Liquid Cement and listening to Arlo Guthrie's "City of New Orleans" on my 8 track player got me thru most of the changes pretty well enough. I'll be keeping an eye out for you, my friend :D
Be cool Buddy!
If need I can pop-up a 3-day weekend. Just give me 2 weeks notice. We'll run around them
backroads scaring the Rafters (them Yuppies in their SUV's, and rubber boats)!!
:eek: ;) :thumb:

If need be I'll even sharpen the horns on Bobbie Joe!! ;)

See ya' on the flip side!!
I know what it is....you're off on another road trip and you don't want me to go :cry: :D :D :D But you're welcome to the VW Bus anyway :D :D :D

Hurry Back My Friend :)
Hey Mike,
I'm mainly glad to hear that you're doing OK on the health front...:thumb:
I'll REALLY miss you around here! (so...hey...try not to stay gone too long ;) )
But, I think it's great that you're doing some modeling, & getting some other things done! Sometimes I think I spend too much time surfing around on the net, & not enough time being productive! :rolleyes: :D
Please stop in when you can, & let us know what's up!
Take care of yourself, my friend, & keep 'em on the rails! :wave: :)