Copy machine toner uses?


New Member
Jan 23, 2005
Sioux Falls SD

Has anyone ever used photocopy machine toner for weathering. I seem to always spill the stuff at work and make a mess, got me to thinking if it would be good to weather with? Either to use it as a powder like caulk dust or in 70% alcohol as a wash. Anyone ever tried it?

Inquiring minds what to know.
Aside from price and the lack of color choices, I think there are probably practical reasons not to use toner. Since toner is a microscopic plastic product that is statically charged and bonds under heat, I suspect you would unleash a world of trouble with it gumming up the running mechanisms of your engines. Just look at the rollers in a laser printer and the ways that the electric motors are heavily shielded from the print area. I'm not sure how toxic it is, but the warning on my HP Laser Jet 4 toner box says you shouldn't breathe it in. I don't think I'd want it floating around my basement, unless it cancels out the radon.... :D

Thanks for the info. Guess it wasn't such a great idea anyhow. I'll have to be direct my efforts elsewhere to be a cheapskate (fiscally prudent)!!! haha
When I worked for XEROX, I hated the toner. It would get every where you did not want it and was real hard to get it where you did want it. If you where able to get it for free and used lots of dull coat to seal it in place, apllied it outside, it might work. But for all of the trouble, black chalk works better.

The most extreme use I ran into was at a bakery. They would copy a design to rice paper, cut the design out and then spay a little water on the rice paper to melt it. That would leave the black lines of the design on the side of cakes. They would use that to make the high dollar wedding cakes. The toner in question was plastic and "NON TOXIC" You should not breath the powder because it will clog you lungs.
