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I don't know how to deal with this. We are mourning here in Connecticut. 20 babies (5 and 6 year old's are babies to me) murdered. This is the what always gets me about Christmas, the other half of the story, or maybe it's the middle. The baby born, then killed. Then there's Resurrection, God I hope there's something. 20 murdered babies. It just sucks. 18 miles from me. My niece and nephew live there. They were safe.

Merry Christmas to all. Some of us have lost ones close to us. Some of us bearing the unbearable. If nothing we believe in is true, then all we ever had is each other. Either way, we all have each other, and hope. I hope. I hope. I really hope. There's got to be more.

Merry Christmas and hope to all that suffer and need or want. Merry Christmas.
I'm not sure how to deal with things lately, either. The past few weeks have been terrible, and it's still going on! Chris's wife. My wife's cousin's murder. The inconceivable events in Newtown. And just this morning, the ambush and murder of firefighters in Webster, NY, just 20 minutes from me.

We aren't having much of a Christmas this year. No tree until last night, not much motivation, really. No money for gifts for anyone, and we only have a decent dinner for tomorrow because the local church that helped us for Thanksgiving gave us a second turkey.

However, we're all still here, and reasonably healthy, so we are going to have a much merrier Christmas than will be possible for many others out there, and for that, I'm thankful.

Merry Christmas to all.

Scott K.
It does always seem easier find someone who is having a worse time, if you look. That doesn't make me feel better either. It does make us empathize though. Christmas has taught me to be grateful for the rest of the year. The time that I feel "Christmas" is usually in June for some reason. I think of the Christmas Carols but only then. I never have figured out why. God Bless you Scott, and your family We're not alone. You aren't alone. :)
I read of what others go through and wonder why, especially at this time of year. Recently, the mother of one of our church's most diligent workers' passed on and she keeps her cheerfulness (it was not unexpected). I read of the murders back East and can't understand. Makes my problems seem small by comparison. Still, being alone at Christmas, being estranged from my brother and his family. Seeing all the merry making of others. But still, I wish a Merry Christmas to all those around me and all here.
A Loss of one job, but I got another at half the pay, but it's work so I am grateful. Not thr best Christmas but we have a few presents and a good dinner. my heart cries for Chris' loss and the massacre in Newtown makes me want to cry.

But the season helps to heal all wounds
Merry Christmas to all
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