Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part III

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okay spanky but what about the cars that come with MTH and Kline and Lionel on the flats are they not scale. Not trying to be smart or anything just asking a question . I also know some do 1:50 and some also do 1:48 where I'm doing what I thought is 1:43 wich is really correct is 1:50 acually O27 and 1:48 semi scale and 1:43 scale ? just trying to figure this all out .
Merry Christmas folks! Santa brought me a ATSF MTH 19th C freight train with the additional passenger cars, a little helicopter that totally freaked out my poor little doggy, and a Tiger Woods game for the DS. Great haul! Oh, and last night I won a Thomas set on ebay for $80, no track or transformer, but I don't need yet another set of track and CW80 anyway!
Great haul Brutus . Our present to each other this year was to pay this trailor off well It supose to get done this coming weekend and look what happened yesterday boy is this been a wild christmas. I'm glad and so grateful no one got hurt. the rest can get replaced . Our neighbor acros the street yanked his grandson up out of the way just in time. or he would have been hit. The good lord was looking over all involved and kept this in proper prospective. (sp)

Getting ready for Christmas dinner so will talk to you all later.

spanky just thought of something else also I'm not running persay scale trains either my trains are probally semi scale at best but most would be concidered O-27 and not the small O-27 like the 6014 but like your 6464 and the semi newer stuff like your 9000 seriers and remakes of the 6400 seriers stuff so theres another difference so in MTH its railking not premier . And I have a few K-Line (before lionel take over) flats with cars really like theres as they seem to really roll super easy very nice trucks on them with acual springs in the trucks.
Ready to go to In-laws for big meal. Turkey, country ham, fresh ham, dressing, gravy, cranberry sauce, chicken salad, butter beans and other items. All the cakes and pie in the world. Pleanty of sweet ice tea. NO mac and cheese.

Dr. John, tough on you concerning your Mom.

Ran trains and friends came. Ran them for the guy. He was amazed. Big Boy did its thing. So did Atlas SD 40's High Noses lashedup.

After the reload, ran Legacy several times. A OK. Now I have loaded all of my TMCC engines in the remote. Had a couple that failed but then are loaded [after reload]. Using the generic chip makes it easy. Now I have my first lashup with Atlas diesels. Works great.

Had a very nice lunch with Mom and Dad today. Mom was more alert than usual and seemed to enjoy the company. Food was great, even if I did most of it myself! :mrgreen:

Still raining and cold. Sorry for kids wanting to play with outside toys, but grateful because we really need the rain! Talked to family down at Disney - it's sunny and in the upper 70's down there! :cool:

Having fun running a variety of equipment on the two loops of track. Currently have a Railking Docksider 0-4-0 and a K-Line S-2 pulling some freight cars. Later, I'll hitch up my Railking PRR 2-8-0 and passenger cars and a Marx Commodore Vanderbilt set on the inner line.

My wife gave me a super-nice Garmin GPS for my truck. This will help me a lot visiting church members and prospects. It even has a built in MP3 player!

Been watching a few Christmas favorites on TV, including "A Christmas Story." Having an afternoon cup of coffee as the trains roll by. :thumb:
My wife gave me a super-nice Garmin GPS for my truck. This will help me a lot visiting church members and prospects. It even has a built in MP3 player!
Dr. John...You will find that a GPS will save you time and gas. This fall we found ourselves in the middle of nowhere running low on fuel and the GPS guided us to the nearest gas station, 16 miles away. :thumb: Two years ago, while fishing in Canada about five miles upstream from the lodge, a dense fog set in. Using the boat's basic GPS we were able to safely navigate our return through twisting bends of the river to the lodge. :mrgreen: I foresee the day that all vehicles will have GPS. :thumb:

We opened Lionel Thomas & Friends(6-30069)this morning and have a problem. Thomas runs only in Reverse at full speed. Forward(there is a DIRECTION button on the PowerMax transformer)she "hums" and, with a push, moves forward ever so slowly until she leaves the Terminal Track(power connection)section and then dead. I've tried switching connections on the Terminal Track and turning off the "Reverse" option switch on Thomas(which shuts down Reverse) and has no effect on Forward. I emailed Lionel and, where we bought it, but I don't expect a response on Christmas day. Any help out there? Thanks, Kirk
We opened Lionel Thomas & Friends(6-30069)this morning and have a problem. Thomas runs only in Reverse at full speed. Forward(there is a DIRECTION button on the PowerMax transformer)she "hums" and, with a push, moves forward ever so slowly until she leaves the Terminal Track(power connection)section and then dead. I've tried switching connections on the Terminal Track and turning off the "Reverse" option switch on Thomas(which shuts down Reverse) and has no effect on Forward. I emailed Lionel and, where we bought it, but I don't expect a response on Christmas day. Any help out there? Thanks, Kirk

I sugest you try this forum that I have below the only reason being you'll probally get a quicker answer as this is christmas and some do visit here this other i'm sending you to has more visitors and a better chance for a answer today.

Toy train operating and collecting - Forums
Great Day Had by all out here! I got an AIU for Christmas as well as a whole bunch of other stuff. Including the Big Boy and Legacy- 2 year christmas gift. (And here I thought I was the only one that thought I was good, guess everyone else thinks that too. LOL) Got a Clive Cussler novel The Chase, about a steam engine at the turn of the century. That will be good! Dremel accessories, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Also, received a Legacy package yesterday, pictures to follow. Didn't get the magazine I was looking for, still being held by the Post Office.

We had invited MIL & FIL to spend the night, and they did. So made their Christmas a little more fun. After we had breakfast on the Patio (74 degrees), heh, heh, heh, we are going over to their house, to exchange gifts, eat and probably watch a Christmas movie or two. So talk to you all later. And hope you are enjoying the evening!!
Good evening folks

I hope everyone has had or is having a great Christmas. We just finished dinner and I am trying to type this before the inevitable heavy eye syndrome over comes me.

We had a great day. Santa was good to the kids and dad has a lot of building/installing to do this week. I have a Wii to set-up, a basketball backboard to install, plus help with various Lego castles, and other Dad-do things.

I got a Tom-Tom for the van. I have wanted one since we had a rental car two years ago when we were in Orlando. It was a big help in finding things when we were on unfamiliar ground. Also since I am traveling a little more on the job it will help with finding routes to project and meeting sites.

I also got a Bachmann EZ-Command DCC set with the Chessie Geep loco. So now it looks like I am going to be fin ding out about DCC. Also this should end my borrowing of my son’s power pack for the layout.

So I have a lot of learning and installing to do this week.

I hope everybody has a good evening.
okay spanky but what about the cars that come with MTH and Kline and Lionel on the flats are they not scale. Not trying to be smart or anything just asking a question . I also know some do 1:50 and some also do 1:48 where I'm doing what I thought is 1:43 wich is really correct is 1:50 acually O27 and 1:48 semi scale and 1:43 scale ? just trying to figure this all out .

true 0 scale is 1:48 in the USA, i THINK that 1:43 is what the brits call o scale, or 00.

in the USA at least its hard to find 1:48 scale cars and trucks, but it can be done. most use 1:43 and 1:50 as substitute. as far as i know anything that is 027 is not true 0- scale. i used to have all post war lionel and all my rolling stock and engines was not to scale. most mth railking is semi scale, at least my texas special set, they are to scale by how wide and how tall the cars are, but they are an inch or so short to go around smaller curves, the MTH premier cars are full scale in all 3 ways. if you hold an mth 30-76243 railking caterpiller flat car with backhoe next to the 20-98565 premier caterpiller flat car with backhoe they are the exact same but not the same length. MTH rugged rails are not to scale in any way.

what do the rest of you think? am i at least close to base here or am i way off?
OZZY your probably right on I know the O-27 arenot scale butt here basicly what i have so thats why I go with the cars i do as I feel there about as close as I'm going to get for the money I can see spending. The closest I come to scale is 2 different diesel sets I have one is A-B-B-A (sharknose) B&O and its from williams it is an older one from what I understand its like 1980 or early 90's and i bought the 72' passenger cars from williams which I believe to be Semi scale also The other is our famous lionel AA 2343 santa fe set.

I also don't really look for exact size as I feel what i have when ever i get to have a layout it will be good enough for me. My wife and I have a saying "if you don't like what you see in our house don't let the door hit you on your way out. "

Not to much else happening talk to you all later
Dr. John--
You will really enjoy your new GPS. I bought one 2 1/2 years ago after an EXTREMELY frustrating experience that I had no control over, never again. When we traveled to York a year ago I preloaded all of our destinations, it was simply fantastic.

Ozzy--a good friend of mine, Bill VanDeventer, is a member of the club in Osky and has told me about your club, sounds like fun. Maybe next spring I can jump on the scooter and head your way. My wife paid attention to my my wish list this year and I spent this afternoon installing new bags and more chrome on the bike. Two more months of winter and it's back to the open road, I've spent a fair amount of time with maps this last week planning next spring/summer.

We sure had a great time with our granddaughter this last weekend running trains. One night she came up to me just before bed and said "choo choo" while looking at the Polar Express under the tree, I was beat but she convinced me to find the floor and run trains with her :thumb:

Much too quiet here tonight :sad: everyone has left and returned to their homes, certainly more fun to have a house full.

Hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas, we have so much to be thankful for living in the land of the free and home of the brave. Thinking of the men and women defending us and not home today.

Merry Christmas!!! I'm a little under the weather, but did have a good day. Was quiet, only our immediate family. Kids are at a good age for it, 3 & 5. They are both spoiled rotten and our floors hold the evidence. They didn't know what to play with first.

I did not get any train related items, but did do well. Got a new watch, cell phone, jacket, some books, and the enjoyment of having a wonderful family who know the true meaning of Christmas.

Going to hit the sheets as I have a early morning ahead and I am on call starting tomorrow till after the 1st. Hope everyone has a great night and a blessed tomorrow.
Ah but it's a nice quiet. I like being with the kids but they sure seemed extra noisy today. But we all survived and its done. Ate more than enough and missed my nap of course. Might head for the sheets a little earlier tonite. I did get a little train time this morning and all went well.Maybe back later........Sir James
Sanka, never played with powerhouses. Use Post War ZW's and KW's. Could be a problem with that powerhouse. Are you trying to run it in a command mode? We have some gusy here that are more familiar with power houses than me. I run conventionals with TPCs. If not done right, I can get full 18 V to the track. I'm only guessing as I do not how our layout is and so forth and so on. Keep feeding info.

Back from In-laws. Full of turkey, dressing, gravy, country ham [brought some home], butter beans, potatoes adn ice tea [sweet of course]. NO mac and cheese.

Dr. John, glad dinner with good with parents. Best to Mom and of course Dad for he is under a strain I'm sure.

We had a great day, total of 12 for dinner. Six grandkids from 1 to 14. The little one was more fasinated by the wrapping paper than the toys. Ran trains for about 45 minutes with the 4 year old granddaughter. She loves the MTH remote. And of course the candy cars on the Christmas train. The six year old was thrilled with her dollhouse. Ahh the quiet, all have gone home.

Will be back to somewhat normal tomorrow. Have to get ready for the painter next week and will be going to a wedding on Saturday. Granddaughter of my best buddy uncle.
OZZY your probably right on I know the O-27 arenot scale butt here basicly what i have so thats why I go with the cars i do as I feel there about as close as I'm going to get for the money I can see spending. The closest I come to scale is 2 different diesel sets I have one is A-B-B-A (sharknose) B&O and its from williams it is an older one from what I understand its like 1980 or early 90's and i bought the 72' passenger cars from williams which I believe to be Semi scale also The other is our famous lionel AA 2343 santa fe set.

I also don't really look for exact size as I feel what i have when ever i get to have a layout it will be good enough for me. My wife and I have a saying "if you don't like what you see in our house don't let the door hit you on your way out. "

Not to much else happening talk to you all later

nothing wrong with running 027 or post war, i used to and still have some, but a year ago i joined the club.... and i got to see some 1:48 scale stuff run,,,, now im hooked!, now that i got my MTH texas SP im thinking of selling my post war 211 texas SP AA set. and i gaurd it with my life before.... all ready sold my 205 mopac AA set.
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