Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part III

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Thanks, Don. I will keep an eye out. I've seen them in O scale narrow gauge, if I am speaking correctly - that run on HO track. But the one John received sure looked neat. I'm inspired by my continuing reading of Linn Wescott's book on John Allen and his G&D layout. He had some unique-looking engines...
Good afternoon all. Reading up since coming to work. Have a bunch of small cases, so this is what I do in between. Laz, you reminded me to go get my bride an extra gift today. I have all she asked for, but it helps to go the extra mile...she really appreciates it.

Had a great time with the kids this morning. Didn't do much of anything but play and spend time with them....sometimes, those are the best moments.
God Bless,
Laz - congrats on the Legacy system, sounds like a real winner

Well, our travel lady is off this week, but when I go back to work after the Holidays, I have to get stuff settled to travel for 2 weeks training. Should be nice in Orlando for two weeks?!
Trying to figure out if the family can come visit on the weekend while I'm there and we could do a day at Disney or something. Then I'll be running some training in our office.

Tom, Jeffrey and Doug M -nice pics! That airport looks great there, Doug!
Evening all, just got back from the granddaughter's Chirstmas program at their church. It was postponed from Sunday evening due to the ice storm. Boy, those little ones sure can sing loud! Enjoyed it.

Doug M, Don is correct, the galloping Goose is the 2007 TCA convention car. I did not go to the convention buy you can order the cars on line prior to the convention. Not sure, but I don't believe they make any extras. Some will probably pop up on ebay. I don't think MTH has ever cataloged one with PS2, although they may now that they have made these.

I can remember back in the mid 50's when I was in HS and had an HO layout that someone made one in HO, I think it was Kemtron.

Doug M, Nice pictures of your layout. Looks pretty big, what is the size? I agree it takes a while to learn how to navigate this site. You have to back up 2 layers to get to the G/S/O Gauge thread. Not a lot of activity there, but I check it now and then. I guess if the O gauge activity picked up a separate thread could be started. I few of the guys that used to post on that thread seem to have disapeared.

Till tomorrow,
Evening all. Well, CTT is as bad as "Days Of Our Lives" or something like that. You can't do anything right there. wall1 Got to run trains. Legacy is great with the Big Boy. Can't wait to get the NS sd40-2 with Legacy. Had not come in when I stopped at Miss Edna's this evening. Took her some turnips. She loves turnips as good as tomatoes. Speaking of tomatoes, unwrapped my last ones. Got about 10 on the counter now. All red and ripe. Good night all. BTW: LAZ, went late to feed deer. 5 waiting at the feeding spot. They walked over to the edge of the woods about 20 feet away. Stood there and watched. Will not come out until I get back in the truck and ease off. They don't run anymore due to the whistle I have for them. They know it is me and corn. One day they will walk back out while I am putting out corn.

Was great to talk to Tom P tonight. Museum is going great because of him.
Good Evening..................
Just thought I'd drop in late and saw a lot of you guys posting. Never had a problem with your posts. None of you. In fact, I enjoy reading them. I have learned a lot over the last few years. Thanks to you guys. OK, I'm off to bed. Good Night.
I've been sitting here crying. I am so sad right now. Seriously, I've been crying here at the laptop. Chewy trying to lick my face.

Tried to email my friend before he went to work and got a copy of an email full of pain and anguish and a good bye instead of a pleasant talk and some info about trains.

The thing about real friends is you let them in close where they can really cut deep.

"Thou marvell'st at my words, but hold thee still; Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill." Wm. Shakespeare
I must admit I'm a little confused about these here threads. I'm sure there is an explanation somewhere. But it seems the "caboose" is a bit more than the "pot". This thread seems to be the "pot", now the other threads here in the caboose are for non-related train chatter? Or could this become the O scale caboose? It would save have to fliping around a lot.

BTW Good News!!!!! I got it from a Good Source, that I can expect a delivery on Christmas Eve in a Legacy box!!! Boy will that be great!!!

Chuck - This is the first time, I've seen you post this late. Have some cookies and ice cream on me! I doubt the breakfast train has even left the western parts yet.

Good night all ---- Have a great day
Good Morning all. I am back for another round here at work. Had to take care of a pt. from yesterday. Now, I could go home, shower and come right back, but I think I will just stay for a few hours and then go home and crash.

Brutus, I too am saddened by the latest developement. I hope that given time, forgiveness will heal the wounds and some great folks will return to our little oasis here. Too many good people to leave behind, besides, don't we all really love our trains? With the devotion we have to our hobby, it only seems natural to want to share it with others of like mind.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good Morning..................
It is a frosty morning. 26 degrees. Going up to 44, today with cloudy skies.
Here I am again. Today is busy. We have to wrap Christmas presents for the kids. I usually get that job. Big day Saturday. Looking forward to seeing the Grandkids. Little 5 year old is my train buddy. She loves that whistle button.
Dining car just rolled in and is serving breakfast.
Everyone have a nice day,
Morning all. Sunny and warmer. Got to go to Town and do some shopping. Then train room. Frankie may be coming with some Deputies to shoot at the range at the pond.
Dennis, sorry but I think one is past that point. Hate it but he is under stress or something. The other one on CTT is just the way he is.
Nice to come over here and not see all the comotion on that one. First thing I saw this morning was some guy with very few posts trashing Lionel and its accessories. All manufactures have problems. I fuss about MTH and its switches but overall, pretty good. I enjoy my trains.
Time for red hots and grits. Hope all have a great day.
Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 31 deg with rain on the way.

Weatherman says we will have snow for a white Christmas ! :thumb: :mrgreen:

Cheif - we pick up a new camera for Christmas: Fuji 8.3 megpic. Now we have to learn how to take pics with this one.


OK so it's an HO train, but it still has flanges.


Good Morning from Happyville where it's a warm 31 and going to 38:thumb: I hope we can get rid of some of this ice. I haven't seen my wife this happy in a long time, two more days of work for her in '07 and then she's off until Jan. 2.

Really looking forward to tomorrow night when the kids get home and I can run trains with my best little buddy. She will come to me and take my finger and say "pease" and will take me into the other room so we can run Thomas, she just melts my heart :yep:She's got Grandpas number for sure!!

Stay well.

Good morning from a grey Crystal Lake where I am watching three 5 yr old boys while the bride and her girlfriends get together. They want to run the trains so I think I will fit that in with my long honey-do list. It sure is nice to hear about the youngsters like Chuck's and Jon's little train buddies.

John F, thanks for the info and compliment - the layout is on a raised crawlspace which is 29 ft by 19 ft so there's plenty of room to run the trains.

I am sad about all the recent roiling, glad for some of the reconciling, and anticipating it settling down soon.
Good morning from the deep south where it's warmer and foggy this a.m. Finally through with the Christmas parties - they're fun, but it will be nice to stay home this evening.

Never have really understood all the fuss and acrimony that developed on the CTT forum. It's a shame. I got weary of reading it so I dropped out. Hope the melodrama doesn't spill over here as well. It's a hobby, after all.

Hope everyone has a good day!
Good morning folks

It was 34 F as I left the house. We are supposed to reach 45 F. It has been a rough morning. My foot has been in quite a bit of pain. I guess I was on it too much last night during my son’s Pack Meeting. I am not sure if it was the setting-up, running the meeting, or the clean-up that did it. I finally got my left foot healed up and then I banged my right heel one night when I slipped on some wet steps about a month ago. Since then if I overdo it I feel the pain.

No modeling last night. The pack Meeting took up our evening.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Hi All....Good morning from SE Colorado where the sun is shining and melting what little snow we have had. I continue to stay in where it is warm and work on the layout.
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