Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part III

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Good afternoon folks. Holy?!? Is it really 1:00 pm!?! Schweet! When is it five o'clock so I can go home and keep plugging away at my track work???

Gosh I'm hungry...

It's a balmy 1 degrees C (33F) up here in T.O. Snow still on the ground and x-mas only a couple weeks I'll be glad when that nonsense is over with.

Need to go eat.
Chopped off the other sharp edge, so the access is now much improved, even though I did a lousy job of cutting this, as I cut it from beneath and ended up closer than I wanted to be.


I'll work it out and place this spare piece and another wedge in the two corners where the outer loop circles the access area. Once complete, I'll smooth that whole works out.
BTW: there is a burr under my saddle on the CTT forum. It is the same burr that has gotten under a lot of folks saddle. Dr. John, you may have to put cotton in your ears. I think it is time to tell him that his mother runs out from under the door steps and bites you on the leg when you go in that yard. :curse::curse::curse:

Ignore Chief - if there's anybody not worthy of the effort, it's that guy.
I'm back. I had some computer and internet problems last week that forced me to cancel my high speed internet service. I'm using my parents system right now. It's an AMD Sempron dinosaur but it works.

The problem is that SuddenLink dropped all the Windows98 recognition protocols and didn't bother to notify anybody, so there's a whole bunch of people in this area who are madder than blue blazes about it.

I can't upgrade to XP right now because some of the components on my main board won't recognize, so I have to wait until I have enough to buy a new board that can take XP. It also has to have IDE support and be able to support a dual-core processor. I'm looking at about $500 plus the cost for the XP upgrade. I'm not going to Vista because they're having a lot of problems with it in this area. I MIGHT be up and running again in a few months.
Wowser, today is my free day (and yes, I'm supposed to be retired) but I have yet to see any trains runwall1 Finished the Christmas letter and will add photo's tonight once the boss gets home. I did have some frustration trying to find a few things for my oldest son who is a woodworker and has specific wants, I ended up using, I don't know why I didn't use them in the first place.

Here's my real concern, my wife told me to go ahead and order a few chrome items for my cruising motorcycle, so being the obedient husband I am, I did. I just got the confirmation notice via email and the are coming from North Carolina:killer::rippedoff:, I'm doomed because I've heard that they use Grits for packinghamr I thought my only concerns for the week would more ice storms (tonight/tomorrow) now I have this extra burden to bear. So you see gentlemen, your burdens are few compared to mine.

Called MLHS BARRYs today and asked about Legacy, MIKE said it won't be in till January. Asked about the UP FEF said he didn't know when its coming out. Oh well.
CHIEF, like DA GIZ said, Ignore him.
evening all just a stop in to say hi .

Worked on my shelf layout today need one more board about 5' long and will have boards all the way around. need to mount track to boards next cut what pieces I need to as I put it together so probally put together completely then screw down. Want to put one more shelf up in front of my desk (have three levels so far counting one for layout) Want to put my standard gauge set on that shelf.
Kinda on the warm side tonight here it was in the low 70's today I would guess sup[ose to get to 74 tomorrow.

talk to you all later not much happening.
Howdy folks - Laz, can't wait to see your Elephink train when yuz get it! :) It was raining still this morning, but just above freezing. Warmed up a little, so no prob coming home. Supposed to be the same, but maybe a little colder tomorrow. By the end of the week, it should be dry and a little warmer. I promised my friend John D that I'll come finish cutting some bricks for him this weekend, even if he's not there. Will have 11 days off at Christmas, assuming that Congress passes a budget eventually. If they don't get it done soon, we'll be on an unpaid vacation. I hate those guys.

Jeffrey, I noticed you didn't post for a couple days and feared for the worst - please keep us posted while awaiting your new computer board. Does your library have a computer section with broadband?

Nice pics Frank53!
Wowser, today is my free day (and yes, I'm supposed to be retired) but I have yet to see any trains runwall1 Finished the Christmas letter and will add photo's tonight once the boss gets home. I did have some frustration trying to find a few things for my oldest son who is a woodworker and has specific wants, I ended up using, I don't know why I didn't use them in the first place.

Here's my real concern, my wife told me to go ahead and order a few chrome items for my cruising motorcycle, so being the obedient husband I am, I did. I just got the confirmation notice via email and the are coming from North Carolina:killer::rippedoff:, I'm doomed because I've heard that they use Grits for packinghamr I thought my only concerns for the week would more ice storms (tonight/tomorrow) now I have this extra burden to bear. So you see gentlemen, your burdens are few compared to mine.


Jon : it does look like you have a dark cloud hanging over your head right now !! :mrgreen: All I can say is hang in there as long as you can !! Maybe the factory ran out of grits when they packed yours !! It could happen you know !! :mrgreen::mrgreen:
Thanks, John
CHIEF, how long until Lionel sent your chip?
JIM F. you'll see those ears just as fast as I get it. Problem is no one knows when they are being shipped, Checked shipping schedule on Lionel and says ships Nov.
Okay Laz - can't wait. You know, it could be November in another year! Didn't Chief order a locomotive that showed up like 2 years late?
smoke deflectors

John Baker: I was thinking about the chimneys getting shorter; I thought about mentioning the double blastpipes and things, but wanted to keep it simple.
Chief: I've only been onto the CTT forums once or twice in the last year, since they changed the format and cut out Trains news to non-subscribers. Maybe I'll look at who's got your goat in their yard. :cry:
:wave:from Feeeezzzzzing SE Colorado. Sleet started last p.m. and continued throughout the day, ice surface on everything outside:eek: Yesterday my two grandsons and I went to an HO Estate Sale and bid our socks off on a lot of stuff. Included in our thrift buying are two oak display wall cases, several engines, Train Cars, One complete train set, oar cars and bldgs. Also some new boxes of NS 3-fT flex track, turnouts, etc., quite a bit of track on wood which I haven't seen before since I am fairly new to the hobby. Also tons of cork and Homa-Bed track bed, Wireing and electrical items, Paint of all kinds, Scenery of all kinds, four controllers and one new turntable that I got for $1.00. Also a $5.00 Control panel about 2-1/2 ft Long, 18 in high 12 in deep that slants to the top, with alot of switches, which I have to figure out if I can use it or not. Included are many back issues of RR Magazines. Now for the fun of sorting everyting out and trying to figure out what some things are that were included in the boxes of mixed stuff. I might post photos of any I can't identify to see if anyone can tell me what they are:confused:

All in all a great day out with the two boys:thumb:
Okay Laz - can't wait. You know, it could be November in another year! Didn't Chief order a locomotive that showed up like 2 years late?

Yes and it was my last MTH engine I'll ever order. Horrible sounds and horns. The only reason I have the MTH E6's is the guy sent them to me as a "peace offering".

LAZ, sent off card right after getting Big Boy. A few weeks.

Been reclinerizing. Went to sleep watching White Christmas and just woke up.

Goooood night.
At the "risk" of a repeating myself, (he&&, no risk, done for certain). I posted this on the other forum. But since I do this so seldom, thought I would get the milage out of it.

Over this past weekend, I THREATENED about posting some picstures of a Engine House I planned on bashing. Well everything didn't quite go to plan, but here are the pictures anyway.
Sunday is usually a short day for train activity, after church, family breakfast, a little family time, it is usually 2 or 3 before I get to the train room. This Sunday, we had an unexpected visitor. My nephew returned from Iraq at Thanksgiving, and has been at Fort Hood, Texas. He got a 30 day leave and was on his way home to Sacramento. He called and said he was coming over Sunday evening. So we had a great dinner, and spent the evening with him. Time really well spent!!!! So, didn't get quite as much done as I planned.
Anyway here are the pictures.....
An overview of the layout area. The wall under the sign will have shelves, eventually. Window to the right is where the "deviated line" was.

As the bridge on the right as a reference point, the engine yard feeds the main portion of the layout. The first rail (where the N&W is setting) will be a program and maintenance siding.

The two vacant lines are the mainlines that go around the perimeter of the layout. The two spurs to the right is our industrial area, which extends around the corner.

Continuing around is our town area. It is essentially setting inside a figure 8, which accomodates reversing the main lines.

Back to the engine yard. The spurs that the caboose is on, and the one to the immediate right will be the "parking spots" for the BB, and Cab Fwd. Inside the engine shed.

Initial construction of the engine shed. It measures 32" long. Which is 25% larger than intended. (Off the left corner is the machine shed that is uaually on the side of the engine house.)

Finally spotted on the layout.

I needed to get the shed positioned, so the track position could be finalized, and the wiring dropped in. Got wiring connected to all 5 spurs, and jumpered the two outside rails. The bumpers are nothing more than stacks of ties. Going to put an LED in each one of the bumpers to indicate when track power is switched on. So now just to run the wires around the U and back to the Control Panel on the other side of the room. Will also put some lights in the shed. Need to have the wires pluggable so that the shed can be easily lifted off the layout if access to the engines are necessary. It doesn't show up very well in the picture, but the lock to open the window is about 3" below the table between the two black roof supports. That is going to become a challenge!
So that is that!
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