Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part II

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N Gauger

1:20.3 Train Addict
Dec 20, 2000
South Eastern, PA
Part III Of the Caboose Thread....
Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea]

Click here for Caboose Thread Part I -- 10/1/2005 to 6/17/2007

Click here for Caboose Thread Part III -- 11/24/2007 to 1/18/2008

Click here for Caboose Thread Part IV -- 1/18/2008 to 03/22/2008

Click here for Caboose Thread Part V -- 3/22/2007 --

Just busting hump,didnt mean to ruffle any feathers.
Willl we all be directed to this thread

sign1sign1 No ruffles feathers... I thought of it first too :D I was thiking that we could at least have a different caboose pic at the beginning of each thread, but after the fir st few pages were filled - no one would look back to the first page.. :D

Everyone will have to check in on the old thread and then click the link there... to be brought here... Once here - they wil either have to subscribe to this thread, or post here :)
Busy day. Went to horse show where Frankie and wife werer showing. Rushed to FIL's for Eastern NC Pork Bar-be-que and SOUTHERN Fired Chicken. Plenty of sweet ice tea. :thumb: Got early fight [6:10 AM means up around 3:30 AM] to NH and drive down to MA. Jim Apitz and I are raiding the Yankee train shops in NH and MA. Fly home Tues night late. US Airways Travel Voucher I have to use or loose. Probably not visit the Pot until Wed AM. BTW: CTT Forum renews the Pot every year now. Too many posts to one thread and it slows server. Makes since to start over. Have a good one.
Hey guys.

I am back home from the hospital for the 3rd time in 6 weeks.

Bubbette brought some engines and decals sheets that I sent away for and I passed time with that.

Good to be back on the forum.
Hi Guys,

Just thought I would stop in and see how everyone is doing and found a new thread had been started. Been a busy Summer and not a lot of time to spend on the computer. Hope things slow down a little. Looks like most of the gang has found the new thread.

A happy Father's day to all the Fathers.

N Gauger, Reading days are coming up at the RR Museum, will you be there? I might try to get there Thursday or Friday. On Saturday we are going on the NRHS trip to Horseshoe Curve.

Gil, Welcome home and back to the forum.

Take care all,
N Gauger, Reading days are coming up at the RR Museum, will you be there? I might try to get there Thursday or Friday. On Saturday we are going on the NRHS trip to Horseshoe Curve.

Nope :( If I do come up - It'll have to be Saturday... My boss is off that week, (Fourth of july) and I have to work :( I think RobertinOntario is coming down that week, with his family too... maybe you guys could meet too :) :)
Hungry!!! Where is Jeffrey's breakfast? Actually I am in Yankee land. NH and on the MA border. Going train shopping tomorrow and fly home late tomorrow night. All thanks to US Airways [travel voucher]. Using my points at Holiday Inn. The points are only a drop in the bucket compare to all I have. Used free rental car days too. Later
I am just sitting here finishing up a Ritas Waterice. It has been a hot day followed by hot evening. We just got back from spending the last several hours at my daughters’ softball playoff game. Her team lost so she is half done. She still has a couple of travel team games to go. It was kind of funny none of the girls seemed sad and some seemed happy the season was over. I guess they have been playing for too many teams as some play for 4 different teams. My son has a playoff game tomorrow night. Since they are in the losers bracket it means a loss and they are done.

Well, I am hoping to spill downstairs and weather some wheels. We will see if the modeling gods let it happen.
Wow a little bit of Gauge history has ended. It is a little sad to see one of the most popular threads lock but then again that is progress. For the record on slow nights, many of them I was able to read through the first one and I enjoyed the history.

So now I will take time to add to the new thread.

We had a little rain tonight, which is cool since we do need it. However how come it only rains after I cut the hay? My summer has been busy with kids sports, the farm and looking for a new full time job. August 3rd will be my last day so at least I have some time to find one.

My trains have not moved in a month, I think that should be a crime or something like that.
Wow a little bit of Gauge history has ended. It is a little sad to see one of the most popular threads lock but then again that is progress. For the record on slow nights, many of them I was able to read through the first one and I enjoyed the history.

So now I will take time to add to the new thread.

We had a little rain tonight, which is cool since we do need it. However how come it only rains after I cut the hay? My summer has been busy with kids sports, the farm and looking for a new full time job. August 3rd will be my last day so at least I have some time to find one.

My trains have not moved in a month, I think that should be a crime or something like that.

Yeah, That's exactly what I felt when I locked it...... We are keeping it alive by the link at the top of this thread. As I lock the old threads and create new ones (About every 1000 posts) I will add the links to all the other threads.... So anyone will be able to find all the other threads.. from any of them :) :) :)

Thanks for "adding" to the present thread :) and for all you add to The Gauge!!!! :D :D
Wow a little bit of Gauge history has ended. It is a little sad to see one of the most popular threads lock but then again that is progress. For the record on slow nights, many of them I was able to read through the first one and I enjoyed the history.

So now I will take time to add to the new thread.

We had a little rain tonight, which is cool since we do need it. However how come it only rains after I cut the hay? My summer has been busy with kids sports, the farm and looking for a new full time job. August 3rd will be my last day so at least I have some time to find one.

My trains have not moved in a month, I think that should be a crime or something like that.
OK - time to eduKate the city boy :D :D What is rain "After cutting the hay" a bad thing?? I know rain before cutting the grass is bad :)

Why August 3rd???? You leaving the farm??? Dont feel too bd about the lack of train movement - i think mine haven't moved since X-mas :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

~~~~ See Ya!!!!
This is a good idea!

PennMan, this one's for you!


Thanks Ralph,would been nice to see that old hack on the header. But tradition must stand.
Everyone else got some more work done on the layout this weekend and finished another building. Finnaly got some rain today nothingnote worthy though still 9" below the average.
Well yall have fun
A nice quiet day... (Yeah Right!!)

Going up to 91 maybe higher (Lotsa fun in the warehouse, with no A/C):eek:

But it'll be cooler ( 85 ) tomorrow, because that line of severe weather over Ohio is coming this way :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Watching the news and in South Carolina they are saying at least 5 and possibly 9 Firefighters may have been killed fighting the fire....

A Horrible thing!! Not good at all...........
Good morning.

Good news, my mother's health continues to improve. It won't be much longer before she can come home.

Today's Weather for:
Sundown, LA 71446-6114 6/19/2007

Sundown Fire Dept., Station 23

Heat Index: 87°F
Humidity: 94%
Dew Point: 77°F

So Far Today
High: 79°F
Low: 78°F
Rain: 0.00"
Rain Rate: 0.00"/h
Gust: 9mph SSW

Today High: 88 Mostly cloudy. Chance of showers and thunderstorms in the morning...then showers and thunderstorms likely in the afternoon. Highs in the upper 80s. Light and variable winds. Chance of precipitation 60 percent.

Tonight Low: 72 Mostly cloudy. A 20 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms in the evening. Lows in the lower 70s. Light and variable winds.

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