But with an introduction I failed to warn you...


New Member
Jun 23, 2001
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You'll probably hear more comments and questions from me than would be expected for a "new" guy.

My main passion is World War II aircraft and online flight simulations. I've been flyin online for 3 years now. Pilot when a lad, too expensive now...

With that comes a board similar to this where all of us hash out topics involved. Theres 2500 or so that inhabit the board that's directly related to the simulation that we fly.

One of my pastimes is that board and the people that inhabit it. Get home from work, hit the boards, take a flight or two.

So I am not a stranger to this type of forum. Enjoy the hell out of them. Prolly have 1700 posts there.

So please don't think "who is THIS guy ??"

I'm very comfortable doing "this"

And there is knowledge here that can't be purchased.

Because a board like this has passion, and that's why I'm so glad I found it.

So I'm here to learn, and share the passion.

But I ain't bashful

Old enough to know better, and old enough for those cheap glasses that they sell at the drug store..

Cool though, have a pair at home, 2 pair at work in case I forget to bring a set...

The kids have learned to feed themselves and go out into the world unattended so..

It's time now for my second passion.


When I'm not here, I'm there

There, I'm..

Hauptfeldwebel nopoop
'Rot 4' "Der Einzelganger"

Das Jagdgeschwader 2 'Richthofen'
Hello nopoop:

My name is Andy and welcome to the gauge. I too have another hobby besides model railroading. It's Amateur Radio. I enjoy both hobbies! I can sit at my work station run the trains and talk on the radio.

The other day, another guy. Who by the way is into trains. Asked me, "Is that your trains I hear running in the back ground?"

I told him, "Sure is!"

If I ever put up a repeater. It will have railroad sound effects on it! I hope the FCC doesn't mind a steam train on the air!

All the best. I think I hear Europe on 10 meters.

Andy-aka KF4JQD

Lieber Hauptfeldwebel Nopoop!

Es gefallt mir SEHR dass wir einen Flugzeug Bastler bei ihnen gefunden!

I do not participate in these simulations, but none the less I have been an aviation enthusiast as well for years. I have combined these two hobbies by rotating a small collection of scale aircraft, high over my layout. Invisible thread is a wonderous thing!

Have you seen the new collection of historic die-cast aircraft available from Model Power? They even have a die-cast Me-262.

Flieg Gerade und Sicher!

Hey nopoop!
I know what you mean about the kids.
I had one move back "temporarily", & all her stuff is piled up in the room I thought I had dibs on for the RR!

But there's a rumour floating around the house today that she might be moving to Charleston, S.C., so I got my fingers crossed!
I am, in the meantime, puttering around with a small N scale layout on a shelf in my workshop. Ya gotta do somthin, ya know?
Talk about other interests, I got my pilots license at the age of 16 flying a two seater Piper Vagabond. At the same time I had what was then known as an electric train.
I spent time in the South African Airforce as an airborne radio and radar operator. All communication was by morse code and worked as a team with the South African Navy and the Royal navy to search for submarines.
Next I came to Canada and joined the Royal Canadian Airforce and trained as a pilot flying Chipmunks first then Harvards then T33s then I became a civilian again. Flying for fun became too expensive so I turned to radio controlled model aircraft and had great fun with them. At the same time I built my own sailboat and went on many fun cruises in Lake Ontario and Lake Huron. Now that I am retired I came back to model railroading and have a great interest in Canadian railroading but must admit I admire the times of the Nickel Plate as one of the most efficient railroads ever operated. My interest in computers started in 1974 when you had to build your own then Radio Shack and Commodore brought out the first home pcs
Today I do have flight simulator but find it lacking in realism and doesnt really come close to real flying. I dabble with it from time to time and maybe someday I will learn to enjoy it.
Well now thats a mouth full eh!

NARA member #2
http://members.nbci.com/Matthyro MAT
Hows this for a Birthday gift, for my 70th my kids arranged a flight in a 1942 Harvard as my gift. What a thrill to be allowed to fly in formation with another Harvard practicing arobatics ,after a few loops and barrelrolls they returned a very happy old man to mother earth Boy do enjoy flying up side down