Buck Rogers Thunderfighter


Staff member
Aug 1, 2009
Hello, everyone!

Today I am presenting to you the Buck Rogers Thunderfighter by Martin Sänger. My jaw dropped onto the floor (and stayed there for quite some time) when I found this masterpiece on Martin's PaperAviation website. I have been a very big BSG and Buck Rogers fan for many years, and I never thought that a paper model could be that great. It has many small parts and assembly is sometimes tricky, but if you follow the instructions carefully you will get an outstanding piece of art. Due to its superb detailing and texturizing this bird is a real alternative to the hard-to-find and impossible-to-afford plastic model kit from Monogram (it even is the same scale). Meanwhile Martin outdid himself again by creating the Colonial Shuttle from the classic BSG (which made me freeze again in front of my PC screen).

The Buck Rogers series from 1979 features two variants of the starfighter, the old starfighter from the episode "Happy Birthday, Buck" and a four-seater. I am currently designing the parts necessary to build them. I will keep you posted on this in a new thread, of course. In the meantime, enjoy the pics!

You will find the BR Starfighter (aka Thunderfighter) paper model here: http://www.paperaviation.de/Thunderfighter/thunderfighter.html .
Pics of the old starfighter and the four-seater filming miniatures: http://www.modelermagic.com/?p=15906 and http://www.universalhartland.com/code/buck003t.shtml .


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Some more pics. Enjoy!


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Hi.. Always had my eye on this model, it'll be my first proper build, looking forward to it. Great to see your pics of the build. Very nice.

Are you building from Alain Sinclair's blueprints pics?
Great build!!! Also the details are excellently built.
As you mentioned that's one of the biggest reasons to go from plastic (which I still love) to paper modeling: super models which are unavailable or rare to find in plastic or other materials. And, thanks to the designers, for free... :thumb:So even for beginners like me a first model which fails, is not so much of a financial loss...:yep: And with your photos like above the motivation level is high...:mrgreen:
You did a FANTASTIC job on this model. It looks better then mine.
I have recoloured this kit in BSG colours (with Martin Seanger's permission of course, under the condition I do not post the recoloured kit.).
Once i finish a few other projects first, I will build it and post photos of the model.
I too am a HUGE Buck Rogers and BSG fan.
I also scratch built my own varient of the thunderfighter in BSG colours.
Here is the link.
Keep up the GREAT work.

I am looking forward to the varient add-ons.:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
I would like to build both varients and add them to my collection.:thumb::thumb::thumb:
:wave: Hello, there! :wave:

Thanks for your comments. I am glad that you like the pics; I had to scale them down a lot and I feared that they would not look so good after that.

To jonesy: The bird is in the same scale as the Monogram Viper (1/32) and (as far as I know) almost in exact the same scale of the old Monogram Thunderfighter kit from 1979 (which I was hunting before I found this beauty). In fact, both the Tunderfighter and the Viper are standing side by side on my desk. I will add some pics of it later.

To marsmayhem: Go and build this one! It is not for beginners, but it is worth it. Just take you time and work very carefully (some parts especially at the vents only fit in one position). I assume you are referring to the mods when you ask for Alan's drawings. I indeed was working according to Ken Larson's pics, screenshots and Alan's blueprints. When I saw the high-res pics of the old starfighter on the modelermagic page, I noticed some differences which made me completely rework my design.

To Rhaven: I have never seen such a design but it looks great. It really combines the two shows and I can't wait to see the bird. Be assured - the add-on parts will come as soon as I have finished my Colonial Landram.

Stay tuned and have a nice day! :wave:
Thank you for the compliment. The MK-3 (which is what I call it) is my own design.
I was wondering what other BSG models are you going to design?
To Rhaven: As you know, I have just finished the Colonial Tubeship and now I am concentrating on the Colonial Landram (thread here: http://www.zealot.com/forum/showthread.php?t=168715 ). I have unfolded several Sketchup models, and there is still Chrichton (the robot from Buck Rogers) on my todo list. I am still very impressed by Ekuth's giant Galactica.
I am following the Landram thread as well and it is looking fantastic. I really like your work.
Chrichton would be an interesting build. Are you going to design TW1K4 (Twiky)?
I too am following Ekuth's Galactica build thread as well, and it is impressive.
To Rhaven: I thought about Twiki, too. However, he is still beyond my modeling capabilities. Doc Theopolis is a lot easier; if I would design him, I did it in 1/1 scale with light and sound. Wouldn't that be cool?

To etheren: There was a model of Wilma, however, it was a 3 3/4" Mego action figure, and she came in flight dress. Anyway, you always have somethin' to dream of...
Does the Thunderfighter have an interior with seat and control panels? It would be very cool to printout larger and make a 12" Buck figure to pose with it. I wouldn't be too hard with a poster printer and buy a 12" action figure and dress it as Buck.

Unfortunately, it does not have an interior cockpit, although building one would not be that hard to do.
I scratch build my own version of the Thunderfighter with a detailed interior cockpit. Unfortunately the canopy does not open. Here is the link.

Good luck with it. I am quite sure you can find pics of the interior on the web.

Does the Thunderfighter have an interior with seat and control panels? It would be very cool to printout larger and make a 12" Buck figure to pose with it. I wouldn't be too hard with a poster printer and buy a 12" action figure and dress it as Buck.

Dr. Theopolis would be cool to have in full scale and wired with lights and sound. I hope to see him built someday.

What about a 1/4 scale Twiki? I already have the LEDs and an audio playback kit I built for a lighthouse model (ocean sound effects, bell, gulls, etc).

I can just imagine the thing sitting on a desk and suddenly bursting forth -

"Beede beede beede - what's happening, Buck?"
Ravell-Fan> Are you going to release the up-dates as a separate download or are you going to have Martin Saenger add it to his Thunderfighter as an "EXTRA PARTS" sheet?