brick pattern


Apr 28, 2001
New Jersey USA
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I've been able to download from a website a sqaure drawing of brick pattern but need to make it bigger without losing clarity and to resize the bricks to fit N scale I was wondering if one of the computer specialist could help me with this?
If you can post the website, I will do it for you

Hi Belg,
Well I had a look at it and all I could get was a small square, however, I made more squares from it and came up with this. Not very good mind as the original is too small.




  • brick.jpg
    24.1 KB · Views: 193
To mak a sheet out of the patterns on the site:

1. Right click the pattern. Save as> directory/filename.jpg (do this for as many patterns as you want to save.

2. I do mine in Word on a new document click Insert>picture Go to the file where you saved your sample patterns. Select the pattern you want to use and click insert. This will place the picture in the new document. Using the picture tool bar select the "throught" wrapping style. click ok.

3. Then select and copy the picture. then paste the picture. Align the new image with the original so there is no white gap between the 2 objects. At this time I select both objects and clict Draw in the drawing tool bar and group to make one object out of two. Then I copy and paste this object just as I did the original. I do this a couple of times until I I have an object about Half the width of the page. then I copy and paste it down the page aligning the bottom and top edges as above with no white showing, grouping after each paste.

4. then I do a test print to see how it compares to scale. If it is too big I group the entire object and reduce it in size from one of the corners. print again to compare. When I am satisfied with the size I do the copy and past thing to fill the sheet.

then print and use on your construction project.
photo troubles

David,I want to thank you for the attempt but like everyone it seems I can't see anything but a red X.If you have something made up maybe you can E mail it to me?

Shamus,I also want to thank you for your effort but I want to get rids of those white lines in the drawing and don't know how to do that.