Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

A Rainy Day:

I'm beginning to think I could effect a cure for a rainy day. This roof has exceeded my expectations and now I am wishing I took more pains with the preliminaries.


Aside from some excess amounts of glue that partially dissolved the surface (which I can rationalize as; "battle damage") the curved roof panels will be sufficient for my purposes.


Here is seen how the panels are held in place whilst the glue is drying.


This building will be the first that receives the finishing details.
That roof looks great!! It's ashame it covers all of the hard work inside, but this will be one Hell of a , I don't know, model doesn't seem to fit. Work of art? ;)
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That roof looks great!! It's ashame it covers all of the hard work inside, but this will be one Hell of a , I don't know, model doesn't seem to fit. Work of art? ;)

The work inside is a series of mistakes due to not having enough visual information as to the size and shape of the structure. Had I had it to do over the interior would have been a simple rectangular box.

The mistake may turn out to be a blessing in disguise as it give me attach points for the main cannon trunnions points.

Thanks for the quick replies.
You've also made a very strong model, which if you did a stop/go animation sequence would be outstanding!! ;)
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Here come the eagles....

No not the 'Lords of the Ring' eagles but the 40K Imperial eagles.

It took me the better part of this week to make 4 of these plus a paper and plastic template for future use.



It hardly looks like a week's production but it's most gratifying to get these done.


Now it remains to glue the pieces to a sheet of 0.010 styrene (seen below with the bodies already glued in place.

And trim to size for the Dome structure previously shown.
Two Weeks in the Making:

At this rate it's going to take decades to finish this thing. Hardly the project for someone who's reluctant to purchase green bananas.

But Hey; the fun is in the building and I did have fun creating these eagles.... Not! It was an arduous task principally because I hate repetition.

So here's the result and I'm pretty pleased with it.


All four sides have the same Aquila but each is an individual and I had to chose which one looked best on each side


but for all my angst they all look pretty much the same.


The bird's eye view(groan) shows them off the best.

Martini time,

Two Weeks in the Making:

At this rate it's going to take decades to finish this thing. Hardly the project for someone who's reluctant to purchase green bananas.

But Hey; the fun is in the building and I did have fun creating these eagles.... Not! It was an arduous task principally because I hate repetition.

So here's the result and I'm pretty pleased with it.


All four sides have the same Aquila but each is an individual and I had to chose which one looked best on each side


but for all my angst they all look pretty much the same.


The bird's eye view(groan) shows them off the best.

Martini time,

Oh yeah! Great result! I can imagine the wonderful paint job this project is going to have, especially the eagles here. But it does look great as-is!

A horse is a horse of course, of course....

Yesterday my better half said this looked like a dinosaur.

Today she said it looked like an Eohippus.... Huh! What do women know.

I think it looks like a stylized Aquila and I like it.


And birds descended from Dinosaurs so I'm on the right track anyway.

You wouldn't believe how much work went into this decoration:


Of course I also had to deal with a foot of snow in three separate storms this past week which is a lot for my area anyway.

So I tacked the work temporarily to the center edifice and it looks pretty good.


I'm going with it.
Thanks for the reply.....

Everything Is Roses:

Even the mistakes are working out; almost as if they were planned.

The 100.00 caliber (2,54 meter) quake cannon emplacement is coming along and should allow for a 45° elevation when completed. The two stylized Aquila fit the trunnion covers exactly and allow for the side sheathing. I fortunately did not cut of the outer edge.


The forward façade has the look of a helmeted face which was purely unintentional.


And the aerial view works as well.
Awesome! The Crest on the piece is great!! :)