Been A Long Time


New Member
Jan 11, 2001
It's been about two years since I first got on this board and started asking questions about layouts and wiring. When the railroad ran out of funds, I was laid off from May 02 till April 03, I have still browsed this board just waiting to be able to get back to work. Since the funds have recently allowed me to start working the rail again I have so much to do and now no time to do it. I'll find time here and there though. I started my bench work with a 4x8 sheet of 3/4in plywood. then used 1x4's for the frame and put some casters to help access the other side. As soon as I started I found that I "had " to have a little more track so I added a 2x4 foot extension. I just recently, last few weeks used foam in a can for landscaping base. I have a little tweaking to do on the inner loop, one of my SD40's is getting a wheel over the rail in one direction. Then it will be time to paint a ground base and start the ballast and ground cover. I have to give the biggest thanks to shamus since he helped me so much on the wiring. Once I finally understood how it worked it was a breeze. Then a thanks to everyone here since I have taken a lot from what everyone has put in. I have some pics I'm going to attach or at least try. Then as I get more details I'll try and get better at the photography side of this, cause that's fun too! I'll be talking to you guys here and there in the future. Thanks again to all.


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another shot

I'm not talented enough nor do I have the time, space and patience to attempt building this type stuff. *Lazy* I bought it off ebay. Along with the other model in the pics. Most likely I will buy the rest of the big, main models. I am planning on doing the more detail part myself.


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Coming along real good.....I know what its like to be laid off and have something you love doing put on hold. But what I used to do(When I was working) I would stock up on bulidings, scenery rolling stock kits in case something did happen, I could keep going.
Is that Martinsville Speedway I see in the middle of your layout?
That does sorta look like Martinsville. It's an idea, but not permanent. If I decide to keep it then I will cut out some of the blue so it sits a little lower. I figure somewhere I got to be able to find some sort of stands, or bleachers. Then I will wire it from underneath. My biggest problem with keeping it is find the good ole TCR cars. They are pretty hard to come by and still cost an arm and a leg. If I don't use it I will either put in a little town or maybe some type or row houses. Though the industries in the layout would support a race track. What else do you need besides concrete, fuel and beer?
I really like that structure!
That looks like an old MRR kitbashing project by the late great Art Curren.
I built one just like it, using a couple of Model Power brewery kits.
(wish I still had it)

Glad you're back...that looks like a fun little layout you've got there!
Hello RaiderCTE, just spotted this post. How the hell are friend, you've been away far too long so "Welcome back"

Nice looking layout, glad you got to grips with the wiring of it, post a few more soon.
