Battlestar Saturn (based on Gearz Battlestar Galactica)

Of course if everything fails you could build two battlestars and glue them top to top, too..! (ducks and covers :D ) ;)
Brilliant idea!

If the Colonial Fleet had Grand Admirals, I'd promote you to Grand Admiral Revell! You would give GA Thrawn a run for his money. Now there's a thought Clausewitz vs. Thrawn!
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Time for another update. Here are the landing bay sponsons.

This is the internal formers for the sponsons.

Since I printed extra parts sheets for this project (as a whole), I had extra former parts. So, I use the extra brace "B" parts to add a little extra support and rigidity to the formers.

The formers are assembled.


Now on to the assembly of the sponsons.

As I had mentioned earlier in this thread, the sponsons are suppose to be "through-and-through". However, I was having a few issues with being able to make it as it is truly intended (not only that, but I am on a time crunch). So, I built them to give the illusion of being "through-and-through".
Here are the parts for the sponson.

The sponson is assembled.

Since these sponsons have an observation deck over the entrances, Here are the observation decks.

The observation decks are in place.



All four sponsons are assmebled.

Next will be the weapons systems (both pulsar cannons and missile silos) for the sponsons.

Please stay tuned to your local Colonial Broadcasting Network for further development as it happens.
Remember: "If it can be thought of, it can be done."

I can't wait until 3D printing gets to the point where you can make something on a tiny scale like a Viper under 1mm.
You are correct. However, EVERYTHING has limits. Actually, the Viper (at that scale would be smaller than 1mm wide.
I think it would be scary to see how small of a Viper Rhaven could make. It would be like the "forbidden stitch", you go blind looking at it. It falls between your finger print ridges. :)
I think it would be scary to see how small of a Viper Rhaven could make. It would be like the "forbidden stitch", you go blind looking at it. It falls between your finger print ridges. :)
Thank you very much for the vote of confidence. I am neither going to confirm nor deny my ability to make something that is extremely small. :cool:
Moving on to the Pulsar Laser cannon turret batteries.

Here are the parts for the turrets. I know that there are A LOT OF THEM! However, I did not know exactly how many I need for this project. Not only that, but I have enough to greeble them out (slightly).
So, before anyone asks, Each sponson will have 15 turrets. Since there are four sponsons, that is 60 turrets there. Then I have make even more for the main body (I am guessing an additional 10 to 15 more).

So, here is the finished turret. I laminated the whole thing so that the barrels were "square". Then raised the side barrel mounts by one layer of cardstock. I also used the center texturing for the dish array.

The turrets for the ends of the sponsions are in place.

The side turrets are in place.

All four sponsons are equipped with turrets.

Please stay tuned to your local Colonial Broadcasting Network for further development as it happens.