"Battlestar Galactica Eastern Alliance Destroyer (Kerin Class)"

EXACTLY! The BSG In-House FX department did such a marvellous job in taking the original design and turning it into something meaner. That's why I'd love to see a paper model of it rather than the original one. :)
With that Sketchup model, it could be possible to pull off. :)
The mesh has some holes which have to be closed first; my Yoda suffered from the same issues - closing them can be a nightmare because the program is somewhat stubborn when it comes to that! :)

This CG model equipped with the texture of this physical model:


would make the best Raider paper model.
I have been toying with the mesh a bit and projected a picture of Klaus' model onto it. This is how that afore-mentioned merge would look like:

Cylon Raider TOS2a.jpg

(And yes, this is a RENDERING of that SketchUp model, not a picture of a real model! ;) )
SUPER GREAT MODEL...hum... rendering
it looks really like a studio model.

when does the building start? :)
I would love to watch that thread.
The mesh has to be prepared for papercrafting first and I'll need to get the consent of Klaus who has built that marvellous model. I'll keep you posted! :)
Sorry for dredging up this old topic.
But I was looking thru the old topics and came across this one....
Was wondering if it was ever released.
Looked in the downloads but couldn't find it.
Was the Eastern Alliance Destroyer released?
Sorry for dredging up this old topic.
But I was looking thru the old topics and came across this one....
Was wondering if it was ever released.
Looked in the downloads but couldn't find it.
Was the Eastern Alliance Destroyer released?

@Revell-Fan still needs to do some revisions and corrections to the original template.