For those who can get there, I have found the "Preview" files mode works with .pdf's also, allowing you to save the whole .pdf as .png files. :)
How come the Marauder isn't colored? The nose and tail upgrades that was released later is, but the Marauder itself is just B&W. did I miss something? I would love to build that one :(
the link to 4 shared work but when trying to download it I got an error message
Le lien de fichier que vous avez demandé n'est pas valide."
which is the same as dented rick but in french
the link to 4 shared work but when trying to download it I got an error message
Le lien de fichier que vous avez demandé n'est pas valide."
which is the same as dented rick but in french

That's exactly what happened to me too.

Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde! (Beware the Anger of the Patient man!)



Not sure why the other link was funky, but this link worked perfectly. Thanks My friend. :)
Anything linked to 4shared requires an account from my .SIP (ATT). I'm not sure but this has started to happened a lot more, since the government has required them to keep track of what people upload and download.

Anyone wishing to post them in the threads can, I can throw them into the Downloads area. I believe the 2 mb. limit still applies, any bigger, then I have to upload it. The files could always be split in order to get them below the max file size.