...And Progress Comes To A Wheezing Stop...


Active Member
Jul 24, 2002
Out in the sticks
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My already sputtering layout progress has come to a hiccup in the road, as we have made an offer on a house that was accepted, and we now have our house listed for sale. As a result, we're in the throes of doing last-minute finishing work around the house, and layout work, already pathetic to begin with, has ceased.:(

The good news is that the new house has a nicely sized layout room in the basement. With a painted floor, finished ceiling and sheetrocked, painted walls, it is a train room ready to go.:)

...Here's hoping...:D


Will always be re-membered
Dec 28, 2000
Georgetown, Ontario,Canada
Sounds like the move will be a huge benefit for you Steve. We have moved many times over the years and don't envy you for what you are going through. Moving has a high stress value.

farmer ron

Jan 18, 2002
B.C., canada
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Have moved several times Rick and each time had to be a new railroad start, everything fron the old layout was damaged by movers too badly to repair to it will not fit the new space. The best part is the entheusam that you get for the new one. It is a pain to move, even with movers doing it or by yourself, but a little planning ahead will help greatly. One word of advice, do not pack all your hand tools away in a box to be moved !!! learned the hard way once, always pack a tool kit with as many different tools as you can and leave it in your vehicle or a spot in the new house where you can access it easily. You will be surprized as what tool you require at the strangest moment, then try find it.
Luck man to have to move into a new already done railroad room, enjoy..Ron..