A thanksgiving card

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, God bless us all. Now, dibs on the neck. :D

Happy Thanksgiving Don and Peggy.
And to to all our friends on the forums.

After ending up off the road in a snow bank on the way, the first wave of relatives arrived last night.
Please drive safely and enjoy the Holiday.
Ray Marinaccio said:
After ending up off the road in a snow bank on the way, the first wave of relatives arrived last night.

Thanks for the well wishes. I hope your brother and his family all make it safely as well and you guys all have an enjoyable Thankgiving celabration. I usnderstand there's a few inches of that white stuff up your way. :D :D
Iron Goat said:
Don and Peggy,

I hope you both have a great TURKEY DAY !!!

Don, how is your arm and shoulder coming along ? Well, I hope.

God bless.... Bob :thumb:

Thanks for the thoughts. Each day is a day of improvement. I reached that "red letter" day you talked about and started sleeping in a bed this week. Plus I started therapy yesterday. Gotta be sure I don't try to do too much too soon, but man, I got me some structures to fix and a layout to finish and I'm chomping at the bit.

You guys have a great holiday as well.
This will be the first thanksgiving away from my family scince we have moved to florida, my wife and I are going to make and have dinner togher with other friends that arn't going to see there family. I am thankfull to have friends i can trust.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone and best wishes for a wonderful feast with the family.
My gift to everyone here.............................................
My infamous november table fare known as Turkey Dressing.
1 bag Pepperidge Farms seasoned crumbs
1 bag Pepperidge Farms seasoned cubes
2 cups chopped celery
1 large onion chopped
1 1/2 cups cooked wild rice
2/3 cup fresh walnut pieces broken up small
1/2 cup chopped frsh cranberries
turkey giblets cleaned trimmed and chopped fine sauteed in butter and a few onions.
1/2 pound fresh chopped mushrooms.
1/2# butter
5 cups chicken broth

This ones a crowd pleaser and will feed a very large group with enough for leftovers(and you will want leftovers )
For a small gathering cut ingrediants in half(which means you'll get to make it twice because you really want both textures of bread crumbs )

Better yet, just make it all and freeze some.it freezes well and will keep well for 6-8 weeks frozen .Bon appetite!!!!:D