A river runs under ,,over er have a look


Active Member
Aug 21, 2002
Pickering. Ontario. Canada.
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This just in from my son`s grandad in law opha.
Off Topic , but amazing.

Hallo, Sue and Chris: Have you ever seen a water bridge over a river ? This is quite amazing!

I will bet you have never seen a picture like this.

This is indeed a great engineering feat!

Water Bridge in Germany:

Six years, 500 million euros, 918 meters long.......now this is engineering! This is a channel-bridge over the river Elbe and joins the former East and West Germany, as part of the unification project. It is located in the city of Magdeburg, near Berlin. The photo was taken on the day of inauguration.

To those who appreciate engineering projects


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lol, i would if i could remeber what the bridge is called, its on one of the Major canals linking the northern industrail towns to a mining area further north.

Will see if i can find out.

Oh and we have also had a canal barge lift over here since 18 something!
yep, theres a good few of them around!

someone should model one of them and run afew trains under it!
Try this link for real bridge/canal engineering...

The boat arrives at the bottom, and the entire end section spins round lifting the boat 115 feet into the air to join the other canal that comes flying off the side of a hill. Freaky. The whole thing is so well-engineered that it only requires a 2hp motor to operate... cost a whole lot less than 500 million euros, too :)

Llangollen Canal viaduct - 120ft up and barely wider than the barge!!!
you cant see it but off to the right of the canal is a railway bridge, which makes this a very dramatic border crossing between Wales and England. Couldnt find a good shot showing the river below but you can just about see the rail line on the valley bottom (its the browny-grey line running behind the three bare trees approximately in the centre of the picture)

Cant find a picture of the Barge lift though, will keep looking!
tillsbury said:
Try this link for real bridge/canal engineering...

The boat arrives at the bottom, and the entire end section spins round lifting the boat 115 feet into the air to join the other canal that comes flying off the side of a hill. Freaky. The whole thing is so well-engineered that it only requires a 2hp motor to operate... cost a whole lot less than 500 million euros, too :)

WOW! When I looked at the first page, I didn't see how it worked. When I went to the operation page, it is designed like a giant crankshaft, and the canal is like a rod bearing. Awesome!
The Erie Canal ran an elevated aqueduct through the center of Rochester, NY in the 19th century. This section of the canal was elevated to run over the Genesee River, which sits in a deep gorge with several major waterfalls. There are some pictures at:


In the second photo you can also see two of Rochester's railroad stations in the distance -- the Lehigh Valley Station on the left (currently the home of Dinosaur Barbecue, a great restaurant) and the Erie Station on the right (sadly no longer standing).

The Erie Canal was diverted south of the city in the 1918. The aqueduct was preserved as a new subway route, which ran until the 1950s. Rather than digging out the subway, they built new roads elevated 30 feet above the old canal bed. Today, the subway is still there, and the politicians are trying to decide whether to fill it in with dirt or turn it into a tourist attraction. Rochester is a sad city in that a lot of history and great 19th century architecture was plowed under in the name of "development" in the 1960s and 1970s, leaving a husk of a city that is sadly bereft of many of its historical landmarks.
Boat Railway ?

On a trip on the Severn Waterway in Ontario I came across this unique
Railway lifting boats...up to 100ft in length....58 ft or 17 meters at a place called
" The Big Chute " Boats are held in a cradle out of the water, The traction is by ropes on a drum The legs of the conveyence are arranged on two sets of rail to maintain ballance. anice bit of engineering


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while going through a old copy of Mainline Modeler i found this article on a canal over a railroad in Toledo Ohio the original was built in the 1850. the canal was there first so instead building a bridge a overpass was built for the canal. the pic is from 1918 it's not as grand as some and the pic not good the canal was filled in in 1922 as a road. the map gives a better over view. the article is in the April 1984 Mainline Modeler


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