A Question about the Klingon D-10 from FASA...


Highly Esteemed Member
Several years ago, I recall seeing a site where someone was posting simple paper models of FASA ships, mostly alien. I recall there being a Klingon D-7, an Orion Lightning and Wanderer, and a few Starfleet ships. I haven't seen the web site since 2010 and have recently been searching for it with no success.

One very impressive ship that I recall being made into a paper model was the Klingon D-10 from the FASA game. It looked like this:
Not sure if this is lwhat you are looking for. I feel sometimes I missed a whole generation of stuff, when this kind of stuff was happening, I was riding my motorcycle around the country, sailing big sailboats, and flying airplanes. There is a big gap of what is commonly spoken about and what I am aware of. I guess that's true for everyone in some way shape or form.

Here's the link: http://falcon01.deviantart.com/art/Klingon-D-18-revisited-66381263
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>Not sure if this is lwhat you are looking for. I feel sometimes I missed a whole generation of stuff, when this kind of stuff was happening, I was riding my motorcycle around the country, sailing big sailboats, and flying airplanes. There is a big gap of what is commonly spoken about and what I am aware of. I guess that's true for everyone in some way shape or form.

No, but thanks for the effort.

Falcon01 also did a nice K-23 to check out. Good work.

No, what I am looking for was a site that offered ships from the FASA game in very simple paper models. The D-10 was a heavy cruiser, larger than the D-7, with a low, mean looking body. This site had a very simple model for gaming purposes but I thought that I could work with it to make a better final product for display.

I can't seem to be able to upload an image of the D-10 here, though I have tried. I am not sure what's breaking the effort but everything I try to upload is stopped, saying the file is too large, even when I reduce the image size and pixels considerably.

The models on this site were only black and white but had some basic form to them. They also had boxes on them to tally superstructure or measure hits. Like I said, they were for use with the FASA game, which was one of the best creator of realistic, Trek-looking designs. There was a logic and care they brought to their original ships that resulted in the writing team on Next Gen and later series even adopting the ships names and designs for use on screen (the Lightning, Wanderer, and a few others). Unfortunately, with the folding of the game, these designs were all but forgotten since.

I should have saved a copy of the ships for future but just didn't. I was hoping that someone knew, where out there in the ether, the D-10 might be found.

Thanks again!
Wulf did a bunch of game rips check him out at the other site, he might be here too.
>Not sure if this is lwhat you are looking for. I feel sometimes I missed a whole generation of stuff, when this kind of stuff was happening, I was riding my motorcycle around the country, sailing big sailboats, and flying airplanes. There is a big gap of what is commonly spoken about and what I am aware of. I guess that's true for everyone in some way shape or form.

No, but thanks for the effort.

Falcon01 also did a nice K-23 to check out. Good work.

No, what I am looking for was a site that offered ships from the FASA game in very simple paper models. The D-10 was a heavy cruiser, larger than the D-7, with a low, mean looking body. This site had a very simple model for gaming purposes but I thought that I could work with it to make a better final product for display.

I can't seem to be able to upload an image of the D-10 here, though I have tried. I am not sure what's breaking the effort but everything I try to upload is stopped, saying the file is too large, even when I reduce the image size and pixels considerably.

The models on this site were only black and white but had some basic form to them. They also had boxes on them to tally superstructure or measure hits. Like I said, they were for use with the FASA game, which was one of the best creator of realistic, Trek-looking designs. There was a logic and care they brought to their original ships that resulted in the writing team on Next Gen and later series even adopting the ships names and designs for use on screen (the Lightning, Wanderer, and a few others). Unfortunately, with the folding of the game, these designs were all but forgotten since.

I should have saved a copy of the ships for future but just didn't. I was hoping that someone knew, where out there in the ether, the D-10 might be found.

Thanks again!

Read the "Photo upload Problem" thread. Our owners, meaning us, suffered a massive Denial of Service attack. It would be good if members read the "Site News" when I post something there so I don't have to keep posting the same info. That thread will explain what's going on more thoroughly. Thanks. ;)

Link= http://www.zealot.com/threads/photo-upload-problem.179717/
Read the "Photo upload Problem" thread. Our owners, meaning us, suffered a massive Denial of Service attack. It would be good if members read the "Site News" when I post something there so I don't have to keep posting the same info. That thread will explain what's going on more thoroughly. Thanks. ;)

Link= http://www.zealot.com/threads/photo-upload-problem.179717/

Actually I had read that but since the posts after the initial warning showed some people were uploading, including a memorable Linda Carter image, I had thought it fixed.

I tend to assume my very old computer [a 2010] given the followed up postings but maybe I'll stop cursing it this time!!!!
do you have an idea of what it looks like that you can post so I can see it- I might recognize it and be able to tack it down

It was in the second link. I recall the site had several simple FASA models, and yes Spaceagent 9, you could probably sketch one up, as the design is even cleaner than the D-7 and you did well with that one.

I want to provide a photo but can't. Unfortunately, I have not figured how to get my computer to upload anymore, despite my efforts. I keep getting the message:

"The uploaded file is too large for the server to process."

I know there were some system issues but others have seemed to gotten around these; I have not. Here's a good link to the ship:


The site use to have this, the Orion Lightning and Wanderer classes, a D-7, and a Klingon shuttle from FASA. It used Starlet battles boxes to check off hit points, but permitted 3D models for the game.

I've looked several times now and can only guess that the site is defunct. Too bad.

What do you think, Spaceagent 9?
Interestingly, the old led mini had more detail to the bottom than the diagrams and images on line.

I fond an old file of the Orion Lightning in my folders; Wonder if I can mix something up with it?

It's not a good paper model design, as it was set up as a game piece, but I am thinking about playing with it and trying to get something out of the shape.

The old FASA game had some really well thought out designs.
The pictures can now be uploaded (ALL FIXED!), just use the "Upload a File" feature on the lower right hand corner, and navigate to the picture. You have the option of putting a thumbnail, to click to full size, or just put the full size pic in. :)
Just for those looking as a reference...

No luck anywhere there ..but the ship looks just like this...
not a hard model for some-one to knock-out basically a more pointed D7...
The pictures can now be uploaded (ALL FIXED!), just use the "Upload a File" feature on the lower right hand corner, and navigate to the picture. You have the option of putting a thumbnail, to click to full size, or just put the full size pic in. :)


I found a hardcopy of the old ship that I initially asked about in this thread but the page is rough and I can't find computer file. That is the D-10 I was talking about. I thought it was one of the more impressive FASA Trek designs.

Anybody else have the D-10 computer file piece?
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