A&P Warehouse - In Progress


Nov 19, 2004
My latest structure is based on Walther's American Hardware structure. It will wind up being a Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. warehouse.

Inspiration came from a book I have on old New York City interurban photography. There happens to be an A&P warehouse which is almost identical to this kit.

These photos are probably about 50% done. Still a lot left to do. Still plan to add:

1.) Signage -- including round hanging A&P signs over the 2 front doors, Bar Mills sign on the roof and a large, painted-on sign for Bokar Coffee -- the premier A&P coffee brand. Also some misc. signs around doors, loading docks, etc.
2.) Additional roof details. Just getting started there.
3.) Window glazing. Oh...and to add in the window frames at basement level for those who picked up on that.
4.) Partial interiors.
5.) More (better) weathering.

Let me know what you think so far.


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"Let me know what you think so far."
Frank, I avoid thinking when I can. The building looks great. It has some great possibilities for other applications as well. Signage makes the building. It really adds life to it. Also, you can have trucks and freight cars loading and unloading. Very cool.
needs "bird stuff" on the roof.
just joking...
looks great so far....
you may want to "knock out" a few windows by painting some "wood" over them. Makes things look used.
Unless, you are doing an era where that beauty just got moved into.
:wave: They are great for bashing also, as seen by my backdrop American Playing Card Inc. :thumb: Jim

Looking good Frank. Remember, a flat roof on a commercial building is generally a butt-ugly place, lots of patching and lots of flashing & tar running a ways up the parapet walls.

Generally only the birds get a good view of these roofs. Modelers have to weigh realism with the sensitivities of their visitors.

Frank What a great looking building! :thumb: I can recall the A&P bakery in Columbus,Ohio..MMMM! I can still smell the bread and pastries baking! :D

Jim,I also think your American Playing Card Inc building looks great to! :thumb:
More progress

Done a little more work on the A&P warehouse and thought I'd post a little of the progess. Added some signage, gutters, conduits and more weathering. More to come.


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