A new member (a little short for a stormtroper)


New Member
Nov 13, 2013
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve"

Hello to everyone!!!
Firts of all, please be patient with my indian-like english, but im really rusty with it. its been YEARS since my last participation in an english speaking forum since the helbreath mode forum i played.
Well, something about myself. My name is Luis, i'm 28ys old. I'm a pediatrician in buenos aires. i have a beatiful wife and the most adorable daughter.

I can say what are my favourite games, movies and series, but i thought those who like them as much as i do, will get them with theese quotes

Keep your head down! There's two of us in here now, remember?" Cortana

"What I have shown you is reality. What you remember... that is the illusion" Sephiroth

"Keep Jumping" Commander Adama

"Don't you worry, I'm sure we can fold right back, seeing how we made it here in one piece" Captain Global

"Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son” DV

"Luck is just one of my skills" Isamu

"You misunderstand my choice not to feel at that moment as an indication of not caring, while I assure you the truth was exactly the opposite." Spock

"After Zanzibar, I was taken from the battle, neither truly alive, nor truly dead, an undying shadow, in a world of lights. Now, in front of you, I can finally die" Gray Fox

"Mankind’s greatest fear is Mankind itself" Gendo Ikari

"War. War Never Changes" Ron Perlman

"1946 might as well be the holy grail of WWII flight sims, a platinum anthology of everything good about no-frills airborne scrimmaging. The new material's a deal, whether you own the earlier games or not. And if you don't, 30 bucks nets you something that -- six years on -- still outclasses everything else." 1UP

I have many hobbys. i love books, specially in the summer, and the new e-readers changed my life. i love movies and anime, and i have a huge collection of them. video games were an importante part in my life but my last console was the ps2 and my pc is outdated, so im really stuck in that area. i made plastic models since i was a kid, but i found it to expensive to keep. As everyone here, i'm getting into papercraft. Today i'm still an amateur (i mean lousy :mrgreen:) in papercraft, but i hope to improve

I put here some pictures of my late work. For good luck, i always left a detail unfinished.

Well, thats it for now. i hope to find here a place to stay. really thx to rhaven blaack who was the first one ever to greet me in a forum without a generic spam message

See you Space, Cowboys!


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Well then let me be the first to say that after viewing the sample of your work that you have displayed here for all of us to enjoy, I would have to say that you did a GREAT job on all of them!
I can assure you that you have a place here. You have nothing to worry about.
So sit back relax and enjoy yourself.

I am looking forward to seeing more of your work.

Oh and by the way, You have good taste in movies! I have seen most (if not all) of the movies that you have posted quotes from.
Welcome aboard and great group of photos, Very well built. Keep browsing the site for more great works from our members. There are so many models to build and so little time. Some of my favorite cities are Buenos Aires, Monte Video, Cali, Medellin, Caracas (Pre Hugo Chavez). Tegucigalpa(Comayaguela). So many more but these are a few. The Argentinian Women are stupendous and there is no better churasco/carne asada than that of Argentinian beef. Vien venido abordo.

Enjoy what the site has to offer and see you around the forum.
A very classy entrty into a great forum. I endeavor you will find yourself in good company. We may hit you uup for some free Medical Advice now and then though! :)

Bienvenidos, Welcome, and all that Jazz.

"The Tiger of Wrath is always wiser than the Horse of Instruction."