1st. September bills. Ouch!!


Mar 25, 2002
Irún, Guipúzcoa - SPAIN
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Maybe the summer heat turn the money in water and, as water, it evaporates. :eek:

Auto repairs bill, home repairs (plumbing, roof) bill, 5-day holidays expenses, college bill... (ejem, uh, and a Walthers "New River Mining" kit :rolleyes: :eek:ops: ). So, no more new trains until, huummm... December, I think (and then, Christmas spendings!! Arrrghhh! :curse: :cry: ).

Oh, well. Fall is a nice time to go long walks in the woods, doing things at home, read near the fireplace, and paint kits. Some of the best things in life are free! ;) :D
Topo I feel your pain, with school starting back up and having to pay tution, fees, and especially books :curse:. (Talk about rape!) I am sure that my bills are minor compaired to the rest of yours, but it is a lot for me. Good luck, and hopefully you might be able to find some extra cash that you have stashed away and forgotten about.

That's why us Americans love credit cards so much. My biggest hope is the world ends before I run out of credit and have to start paying them guys back. :D Fred
Topo,I feel your pain..A Lot of folks think just because I am a bachelor I don't have bills like they do..But,I have the usual utility bills,Road Runner,car insurance and other such like bills. :cry: Sure I no longer have kids at home or in college but,I have Grandkids instead.Being a Grandpa means I get the old "Grandpa,Will you buy me something" routine. :eek: But! Of course! After all I have a hat that says"Worlds Greatest Grandpa" that my Grand kids got me.
Now as they get older I find little"odd jobs" for them to do so they can "earn" the money. :thumb: So,now I am so poor I can't "pay" attention.. :eek: :D
Hi, friends.

The obvious lessons in that are: "To live isn't cheap", and "Your spendings don't end after paying that thing; they have only started". ;)

But, as I said, some of the best things in life are -apparently- free (well, having grandsons is not really "free", as Brakie have showed, but that's a thing that I will be happy to "pay" for). :D :D :D