1/12 Apollo Command Module

Most impressive. I am happy that the info I have given you can help. Let me know if you need anymore. I can dig deeper. ;)
The Sextant and Periscope mounts look authentic, as does everything else!! :)
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Those pictures are much bigger than life. The switches will look excellent in the actual model. ;)
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YES you are crazy :biggrin:

but that's a level of crazy I absolutely love. Don't let anybody stop you from what you are doing and especially how you are doing it!!!

The details on these panels making me dizzy. (Damn.. where are my pills again.....)
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The detaling on this is so far over the top, you've set the bar very high for this model. :)
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This looks like a machined part coming straight from the factory! I am blown away with every new picture you post. WOW! :Bravo:
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Thanks guys.

I need to find more interior photos... The ones that I have are good, but there are very few, and not everything is visible on them.

I found a scanned 3D model that takes up 5GB of space. But unfortunately my powerful computer could not open it, it just freezes.
The last attempt to open was a night long, but in the morning the file did not open.

Maybe someone will be able to download and take some panoramic renders or screenshots as an help in increasing the detail. I would be very grateful for such help. Or cut it into parts so that I can get inside on my own and see what else can be added to increase the detail of the model.