1:1000 scale MS KREFELD by WHV

Many thanks to all who have stopped by and provided such kind comments about my little ship.

Thank you, Kevin, and I hope this update does not disappoint.

I finally got the cargo booms on the ship, except for the heavy lift boom at number 2 hatch (that should be in the next update). I also added a little more detail, this time putting in the radar mast and the like.

This is what she looked like yesterday afternoon...I had trouble with my host server for my photos, so these are about 24 hours old.


Here's another view, from the port quarter:


Here is an attempt to provide a close-up shot, but it's not as sharp as I would have liked...hope you can see the radar mast in this one:


And, a final shot, from the starboard bow:


I've already started to work on the cargo rigging, so hopefully by next installment I can have something worth looking at. In the meantime, thanks for stopping by and taking a look.


Oh, no, not way am I talented enough to render such small tubes out of paper:eek:ops: ...I used florist's wire for the mast (wrapped from the mast house up to the cross tree in paper for the taper) and the cargo booms.

Hey Jim

It is paper, just with a metal core!:grin:

On the same note, I have started using mailing labels and wrapping them around wire. After getting to the proper diameter just put a dab of super glue and a touch of paint and your through. You can even cut narrow pieces and build up section to give what you are doing more demension.

Hey Squinty!

You managed to make paper tubes with florist wire inside. Just pull the wire out and you've just wound your smallest paper tube. One thing about teensey weensey scale is that you'll never experience a storage problem..., only problem I can think of is that you might misplace it if you're not careful.

Thanks, Guys!:)

@ Bill: Yessirree, they help a bit, but mostly for the light they provide...I found it's very difficult to manipulate the tools under the lens, so I pretty much only use clip on magnifiers on my reading glasses to see what I am doing. There are times, however, where the lens lights are useful for checking out things even finer, like when I have to try and thread the fly tying silk through a small eyelet or such, then they give me the best view of the work area involved.

@Rick, oh it's not so bad, actually...I find after a while you sort of get into the idea of the size, and everything becomes relative...before you start to think I lost it, what I mean is when you are working in a small area like this ship for a while you begin to gain a sense of working within the smaller dimensions and your eyes seem to focus in on the model only, sort of like a tunnel vision effect of sorts...or maybe it is just me and I am losing it!:-D

@ John, pretty neat idea! I am assuming you are talking about the gummed label types because I know how messed up it would get if I tried to use the self-adhesive type.:roll: Actually, I just use ordinarly bond paper strips and apply glue as I roll the tubes, and that seems to work. I noticed how some of the florist wire is a bit resistant to water based products, however...the acrylic paint does not stick very well, some sort of coating on the wire, so I have been lightly sanding it down to the shiney metal before using. Some of the smaller wire doesn't do that, it seems to be this one lot I picked up that gives me this problem...and when I painted the paper taper, I noticed the edges seemed to lift slightly from the wire core...on the ones I didn't sand first. If you don't mind, let me also say at this scale there is a recurring problem of having to keep in mind excess glue and the build up of layers of paint...when they occur it is more noticeable as it creates out of scale bulk on the parts, like in the rigging and smaller fittings. Just something you find when you are working at this size that you don't come across in the larger scales.

@Roman: Yes, it is one of the WHV little fleet kits (the sheet says "Schnell Baubogen Mowe" and "Lehrmittelinstitut, Wilhelmshaven") which are originally printed at 1:500 scale; I scanned the sheets and reduced to 50% for the heck of it. I did not use any of the tabs or slots these kits use, as I found at the smaller scales it throws off the joint a bit. I've been fascinated by the Micromodel line of models from the 50's and have won a few on eBay. I have scanned them, because I don't want to lose the original prints, but I figured this project would be a nice start in trying to build a few of the smaller scale ships and get some experience in working with this small size. The Micromodel ships are not all rendered in the same scale, it appears, since the designer used the post card size as the defining size for the model. So, the Cutty Sark I hope to build soon is originally in 1/500 scale, whereas the Mayflower seems to be around 1/300 scale and the HMS Victory is at 1/600 scale. After this ship is done, and as I continue working on Constitution, I think I will be trying to print out the Micromodels and build them at a constant 1/600 scale, just so I can display them together at the same scale.

@ Gil, thanks, and you're right about the tube rolling. I also found knitting needles, of the smaller size, are great, particularly the ones I found which have points on both ends...aluminum, I think, and they are great for rolling tubes. I recall you had a thread a while back on getting the smallest tubes you can roll, and at this scale I've gained an even greater respect for you and others who have rolled really, really small tubes from paper. It's really something you have to acquire a feel for and practice as the first attempts always seem to roll with creases, but great thing about paper modeling, you can always start anew with another paper strip! The smallest I have rolled, I think, is about 0.75 mm in diameter. I find leaving the metal "core" in helps to give the tube the strength I need when using it for masts and rigging, particularly where the masts have a very small diameter, but angling the paper edge is great in getting a nice taper.

I hope to be able to finish up a lot tonight and post some more photos...working on the cargo boom rigging right now, so it's on the home stretch, so to speak.:wink:

Thanks again to everyone for stopping by for a look.

I was able to get a little more done yesterday, and the cargo booms are now rigged. I used a little jig to set up the lines and glue on tiny discs to represent the blocks, then painted the blocks while still on the jig.

First, I set up the heavy lift cargo gear, using a simple jig again for setting up the line and blocks. I added a small hook and then painted the assembly before installing on the heavy lift boom. This is how it came out:


This is the jig I used in setting up the cargo rigging:


Pretty simple concept, actually, but I found using the strip of paper on the end to glue the line to first really helped keep things tight. Then it was a simple matter of adding the little discs, and finishing with acrylic paint.

So, this is how she now looks as of this afternoon:


Here's a closeup of the starboard bow showing the forward cargo area:


You'll notice I added the radio aerial too at this point.


Here's a view from the starboard quarter:


This is a close-up of the midship area, trying to show the radio aerial...hope it comes through clearly:


Here's another view, this time from the port bow:


And, finally, a look at her from the port quarter:


Hope I'm not putting anyone to sleep with so many photos, but I figured you would like to see her from different views.

Next up, the lifeboat stations, the bollards and, unless I can't get it to work, some railings...but that last one is a big IF because it might be a bit too small to render properly. I fear it might come out too bulky, so if I can't figure it out, no rails.

Anyway, thanks again for stopping by and taking a look!

My best to you all!

Well Jim...I have been thinking this for while and I guess I will now say it. You done unseated Texman as the master of the small world (after all).

Texman . . . 1/288th scale?
Great Job Jim!

You've not been putting me to sleep Jim. Contrary, you've had me glued to the forum the last couple weeks. Great work!

I'm toying with a 1/700 Fletcher Class DD right now, and was rather proud of my "micro" work until I saw your rigging on this freighter... Wow.

Solid as always Jim. Keep the updates coming!
Thanks, ebiwarrior! I appreciate the very kind words about this little lady.

I'd love to see your 1/700 Fletcher...is this a download or scratch built?

I built Yuki Yuji's Arleigh Burke a while back, which is also 1/700 scale, and it was a blast to build. Working at this scale forces you to figure out some different ways of modeling the parts, which I find to be a large part of the fun in building. Through the Krakow and earlier models I worked out different ways of building up railings and rigging, and some of the smaller tib bits, which is helping with this build.

Hope to post some further updates soon.


Jim, that is an OUTSTANDING build. And I am honored and humbled at the
compliments you and Ash have given me. I wish there was a blushing smiley
so you could see it!

Ash - 1/288, ain't gonna happen. That's just crazy talk!

Hi, everyone!

You make ME blush, Ray! I admire your little planes very much, and am very honored to be compared to your work, for sure. But, really, I think you CAN try a 1/288...at least give it a try...come on. You know you want to....

Anyway, here's an update...

I installed the life boats and bollards. Took a bit of doing as I added to the lifeboat davits a bit, made the tackles and boats, which took a little time.

This is what she looks like now:


Here's a view from the port bow, hopefully you can see the bollards which were added:


This is a closer in look at the midship house area, hopefully giving you an idea of what the life boat tackles, etc., look like:


Here's another view, slightly from above, to hopefully reveal the bollards a bit better:


This pic shows the midship house from the starboard side:


Another view from a little above, this time from the starboard bow:


Looking at her from the starboard quarter:


And, finally (wake up!), another overall view:


I'm still playing around with making railings, but it's slow going, so it might be a while before those are in any shape to consider putting on the model. I'll post more when those are done, which will probably be the end of this build.

Anyway, thanks for coming by and taking a look, and I hope it was worth your while!

