Spaceagent-9 2017 build pic threads

Thanks!, but I am really just winging it!
I'm thinking i should just re-print the hull in poster paper, then cut black stencils out a tad smaller and use Ron's circle supports.
I am really trying on this one to get it right and it has been a trial.
But I have learned significant things.
1. small tiny flaws on a file when enlarge 500x become the grand canyons of gaps and miss-matching seams.
2. black poster paper is your friend.
3. better to print on white poster paper for big stuff, than assume supports and bends will work out ok so why bother.
4. it all sounds like a good idea until you start working it, then the work you tried to avoid is the only way to fix it.

Here is the large shuttle bay strip on the 500x enlarged Ron C's 1701 tos Enterprise.
I had to cut out the micro strips for the colored panels with a

[[ I have to laugh, my spell check keeps trying to change xacto to Oaxaca, Mexico ]]]

Xacto blade, then use ink markers on wax paper for the colors and then behind it all, a light box of black paper up and down and behind, with the face cut to fit.

500x 1701 hanger deck detail.png
Made a little rough progress. I seem to have hurt my back again, an old injury, a crushed nerve, 4 days ago. It's feeling better but I have been slow about getting this done. I am thinking foam spackle over the black foam board and sanding it smooth, then laying the printed parts over with good 'ol Elmers.

rc 1701 x500 build pic 10242020.png
Got the foam putty and I think I will lay in some black paper stencils of the RC1701 ER under saucer parts and work with what I got for the experience, Then maybe start over on the saucer with only black paper stencils and the enlarged recolor parts . I will keep the foam board disc for the top saucer. Just have to make up my mind.
Thought I would show this modification I'm doing for the gallileo 7 , just for me , for my private use, until I actually draw my own parts.
meanwhile I am selecting blades to use for the spackle job on the foam core board 1701 saucer underside, and my back is healing, almost better now.
Plus I cleaned up my hobby area and working on eating up all my stored food so I can buy the winter supplies and scrubbing the condo clean.

120890629_1749752548523126_723874611460996250_n.jpgfuel deck galilao7.pngGalileo 7 102020.pnggalileo 7 bf b.jpggalileo 7.png
As far as lighting goes, I will use a push-molded gold picinic plate dome on the nacelles, with a ecandle led flickering.
The back panel vent row of teeth looking thing will stay white led.
[[[[ RANT FOLLOWS]]]]]]
The remastered version is apostacy as far as I'm concerned. I love the CGI enhancement of the sets, and backgrounds in space, etc, but the ship blow chunks and I'm going with what I like, not what someone afterbirthed all over my beloved TREK. ALso they left obvious things untouched that were begging for enhancements. As in Sargon's robot innards. facepalming my way thru that episode when they show pre-transistor electronics as being millions of years ahead technology. Also when the Andromedan's crush their reduced florist foam cubies of the Ennterprise crew, they could have made it more blood and guts or something besides pencil holes shoved into the foam with sugar inside. Well yeah, it IRKS me.

The enlarged 1701 RC recolor is comming along. I have worked out what I will do with the saucer. As I said, I will putty and sance the peice I made and then along side with that, black stencils with supports simular to Ron's design [ RINGS ] cut slightly smaller than the print parts. Wax paper for the viewports and black hot glue to seal it all from behind, then the print parts elmer'd on over that. Should be light enough. should make it by the 1 year mark. [ to my shame] The desert heat pulled a lot of my paper away from the seams creating light leaks. I have to go repair those too. Will show pics.
I've not seen that shuttle model before. I built the bigger one. My son played with it for years, when he was 4 thru 7, it actually held up well, though it ended up about 2 inches high!! :)
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A lot of things have come up while building this enlarged 1701,
tiny gaps are now immense grand canyons to over come, any misalignments while building have to be completely reworked.
I used the wrong wieight paper and should have used thick poster paper. the light boxing didnt work and then printing on the back side worked but created a few more minor problems, and now the foam board support is too heavy.

I have to scrap the entire foam board piece and try again with black paper in small light boxes again.
Since I have black hot glue now the light box problem is fixed.
[ tiny leaks in the seams bled bright light out and showed up behind the print.]
So now this coping hard piece wire hanger support for the added weight.
I feel confident that this will enable the completion of the sauce now.

I will still use a foam board circle to make sure all the parts are flat and straight [again enlarging these pieces 500x created warbling problems] and then I will be ready for the sub assemblies!

1701 wire hanger support..png
You could make Saucer Section Lamps, that house a light bulb, and when shut off, just light up the windows. Kind of like the DC3 model that has the nose section, engines and props, and 1/3rd of the wing, and the props. :)
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