Picture uploading WORKING as of 10/22/2018

Picture upload online as of 12/2/2017 Yea!!
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Picture uploading being worked on ;)
How come that every pic you upload is transformed to show a beautiful woman and every pic I upload is, well, uhm.... remaining de facto the same boring stuff... ;) :D
Yeah, I could have spent many years on Galactica. :)

Z - Houston we have a problem... Pic uploading off line (again).:frak::headbange::headbange::robot3::robot3::robot1::facepalm::drowning::flag::exterminate::stop::eggonface::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

I guess we have to call a doctor:pompus:! She can't take much more Captain!

Sky Seeker
O.k., I'll let them know again. :)
I do not consider a woman's body pornographic. Ursula Andress was floating around the same time as Barbera Eden. It was am amazing time to see women, naturally beautiful, no surgical alterations. Personally, I accepted women as I got them. Just like they take us the way we are. ;)
