Warhammer 40K

Al those wheels, they look like you copy and pasted them! Superb! :)
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I really like this one for some reason. It is cool! :)
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I know it's been almost 5 months, but I promise Im not dead everyone....I'm still here. I've just been real REAL busy with real life lately :( On a lighter note, I finally managed to finish the Falchion Tank Destroyer. Might be a little bit before I start another, need to remodel the Craft room, and a few other things that have been neglected lately because of work.....But I promise Im not going anywhere, and will be back to building again very soon :)

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I don't know how anyone gets paper modeling done in the Summer months! :)
::waves:: Hey guys, still alive. Unable to build at the moment, but life is keeping me busy to say the least....all in all, im still here, and still love building with paper.....Ill be full speed again as soon as my hand heals.
I know it's been almost 5 months, but I promise Im not dead everyone....I'm still here. I've just been real REAL busy with real life lately :( On a lighter note, I finally managed to finish the Falchion Tank Destroyer. Might be a little bit before I start another, need to remodel the Craft room, and a few other things that have been neglected lately because of work.....But I promise Im not going anywhere, and will be back to building again very soon :)

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Man,you knocked this one out of the park!! Beautiful!! :)
The last few months have been hell for me in the creative dept. so many starts that failed, so many attempts without success. but I refuse to be beaten. my next attempt, even though still printed in my usual 4 pages per sheet shrinking scale, is still going to be a larger model. hopefully that does the thing. with the amount of pages this one has, its looking to be larger than the Marauder Bomber, and still has some small pieces to test my increasing recovery of my hand. 10 pages of instruction, and 27 pages of parts..........I WILL beat this.

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Sorry to be a noob with the paper modelling but where do you get the pdfs of these awesome models?
or here
These files can be shared if you have them :)