Warhammer 40K

Do not feel bad. I too had some fitting issues. I ended up scratch building some of the parts that I needed.
I do have to say that your build is turning out FAR BETTER than mine did.
I AM GREATLY looking forward to seeing how this will turn out.
The weathering that you added (from the exhausts) looks GREAT!
Even at that scale, I am glad to see that you are able to add a fair amount of detail!
Due to some RL issues, I had a bout of anxiety yesterday.....so in an attempt to relax, I made an ALMA telescope (Atacama Large Millimeter Array). An easy build requiring not alot of skill, but because of lacking directions, it required focus. I felt better afterwards....THIS is why I do this. :)

45 minute build

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The ALMA telescope looks GREAT!!!
I hope that the anxiety was not too bad. I hope that you feel better!
I fully understand how you feel. I too use paper model building to relax (and keep from going stir crazy).
ok, change of plans.....I had the strike fighter printed out and ready to go for construction....but an unplanned accident with a rather large cup of coffee killed the pages, and shorted out my Keyboard. Now that the keyboard is back to normal, Ive decided on a different build before doing the strike fighter.

Im going to build 2 Jet bike builds....First is the High detail blank build by Spendlik, and then Ill build the full color version (Not sure who the author is) I may or may not shrink the full color version, not sure yet as it is already pretty small

I wish you the BEST of LUCK!
I have full faith and confidence in you. I know that you can do this.
I am looking forward to seeing how it will turn out.
D.R., you amaze me. You models are so excellent!! You speak of things not lining up and there is no evidence. A testament to you mastery.
You can do this. You can do this all night long. (Admit it, you read it a second time like Rob Snider in all the Adam Sandler movies). Rick your worst day of building is better than anything that I have been capable of. Hang in there.
