Tie Raptor

And lets start building the interior. Afcourse I used UHU's interior. I think you all know the steps how to assemnle this one. If all went well you will end up with something like this or perhaps better.
As you can see I didn't glue the seat, steering wheel and the rear mirror. I will glue these when the interior is fitted in the sphere. So next up is the sphere.
this looks awesome, i can just about build let alone design lol i bow to you sir :BRAVO:
Than you for your kind words, I also started with building models but then I thought I give it a try and it turnt out pretty well. Only thing U still cant use a 3d drawing program.
Those components look AMAZING!!!
It is the little details like that that bring models to life!
Thank you so much. Now Im working on the laser canon equipment above the fuel tank. I need to change some parts its to complex to assemble.
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Yesterday and today I have worked on the laser equipment compartment. I had to rework some parts. Below the end result.
Its a very colorfull compartment and I noticed I have forgot some hoses. I will add them tomorow.
And the fuel hatch fits like a glove.
It was a productive weekend. Next is to build the engine core.