Starship Troopers - Rodger Young /free/ 1:?

As Cforrest900 stated: "just an FYI to everyone: Click the RED download button. On a site like this, clicking the wrong download button basically equates to computer manslaughter."

X2 on that. When downloading a model, never download, or save a file that has ".exe" on the end of it. It is computer suicide!!
I just downloaded this model from the link provided by Starbuck. (Thanks! )
I have to say, the resolution of the pdf leaves a lot to be desired....
Or did I miss something and do something wrong ?
Is there a better resolution available.???? Or might it have something to do with the extractor that I use ???? (7-Zip)
Nope, the extractor is not to blame and there is no higher res version available. It seems that the base texture is generic (which rarely gives a good result) and that certain detail was added above that base texture. Then everything was blown up by without antialiasing / extrapolation. The engine exhausts look good though.
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although not so good texture is the only model ship made of paper;)
Ok, thanks for the info all.
I will probably take Gilgamesh's advice and try scaling it down a bit. I am running short on display space anyway.... ;)

@skoda Keep up the great build. Like all your others, I am sure its gonna be another fantastic example from you! :)
Yeah, while he was here I was going to mention the possibility of letting someone go at the texture. I think someone should do that model over again completely. It's all there is, and you could make panels to glue on a re-texture it. Actually, a well motivated person could re-texture key parts of the model that way. (Not me though, I suck at textures. :)
Yeah, while he was here I was going to mention the possibility of letting someone go at the texture. I think someone should do that model over again completely. It's all there is, and you could make panels to glue on a re-texture it. Actually, a well motivated person could re-texture key parts of the model that way. (Not me though, I suck at textures. :)

Yup, you're right it wanted to change:)
it would not be wrong to revamp;)
the question is who's remakes:)
Looks great! Here is a link to my build of this beast:

Might be something there to help you. This was a tough model to build, but plenty cool when it was done.

You did a great job, it is the texturing of the surface that is not very good. The model itself is fine, but a re-texture would be awesome. As far as rights, no one except the makers of "Starship Troopers" has final rights over anything produced, so anyone could re-texture the model. It would be a courtesy to say who's design it is, but in reality, they modeled something that someone else designed and modeled. It is a copy of someone elses work. This comes up all the time. People get worked up about this all the time, and in reality, it's just paper models. There's no money to be made, it is a really fun hobby, and the social fabric that comes from the building of these models far out weighs the models themselves. IMHO ;)
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