J. BROWN coal mine

This coal mine is a little different as when the loaded skips are hoisted to the surface, they tip and dump the coal into the processing area where it is crushed and sorted into various sizes .From there the coal is ready to be loaded into the MAT gondolas which will be the next step.


  • jb14.jpg
    19.2 KB · Views: 220
man! I want that!!!

I can already here that monster running. It looks so real. I have a special request. Can you make a crane in that scale? I am looking at that boom in amazement. It looks so real!

I will be making ship loading cranes for the harbour at some time.
Back to the mine
The roof and support reinforcing have been added.


  • jb16.jpg
    41.8 KB · Views: 224
Robin .....you were missed,I am very glad that you have named the Mine after me. That headgear brings back a lot of memories .
The modern concrete headgears do not have that special extreme engineering look looking forward to the competion;) ;) ;)

Robin looks like everything is back on track and the computers is working as well, what else could you ask for? I'm having a little trouble trying to cut long thin strips parallel do you have any tips on how to do this? My metal ruler always seems to slip just at the last minute.
belg, my steel ruler has a thin strip of cork on the back which keeps the ruler from slipping but if I cut long strips I have to be really careful and keep weight on the ruler which means sliding my fingers along. I also find it helps to make the first cut quite light then keep cutting. Sometimes I will make as many as six cuts before I get through.

The mine is now on location on my layout.


  • jb18.jpg
    40.6 KB · Views: 185
Re: kudos!!!!!

Originally posted by belg
I'm having a little trouble trying to cut long thin strips parallel do you have any tips on how to do this?

There is an option available at better stationary stores. It's a dual blade knife used in drafting that's adjustable. It only runs $8-12, not bad as tools go.
Robin the exhaust chute definately brings to lite the fact that there's a fan in that building. It looks fantastic all in place and scenicked(I think that's what its called).I'll have to try one of those cork backed rulers thank you.

Shaygetz could you please elaborate on that cutter.
You just leave me speechless, my friend!
That is just simply some of the most amazing modeling I've ever seen!
:cool: :cool: :cool: :eek: :eek: :eek: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Originally posted by belg
Shaygetz could you please elaborate on that cutter.

It kind of looks like a siamese Xacto knife. It would be where they sold drafting tools like compasses and matt knives. Athough I don't have one to show, a lot of my model work is done with many of the same tools architects use to build their models as they are much cheaper than what is offered to us.

Robin, your mine is so fine:p