J. BROWN coal mine


Will always be re-membered
Dec 28, 2000
Georgetown, Ontario,Canada
This coal mine is named after Jimmy Brown, NARA member #80
Jimmy and I are good friends. It is my pleasure to name the mine after him.
The LPB crew have the site levelled and plans have been approved.
This photo shows the foundation of the mine and buildings.
Hope you enjoy watching this come into being as much as I am going to enjoy building it. It is really needed for supplying coal to the power plants, the coke plant at CISCO Steel and of course to supply the needs of the heritage steam group.


  • jb1.jpg
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Ok Robin,

You really have to STOP - take a breather! "Course, I am saying all this because I have been working on the same structure while you have finished at least two...! :D

Once again you're off to a flying start! You'll have enough for several layouts at this pace, and maybe your own book!

Okay, I give in - you make um quicker than me. :D
Looking forward to seeing this come to life.
Robin......Thanks for the ownership of your Coal mine. Glad its not a Gold mine as I have had enough of them and their underground workings to last a lifetime. While you have been completing at least 4 other major projects I have only managed two Staff houses for my lumber Company More strength to your arm as they say in Ireland. Looking forward to the future posts

Oh Robin, I'm almost out of breath simply from trying to follow your lightning speed of constructing (and posting) new buildings... Puff... puff... puff... :D :D :D

As I already said some postings (and structures) back: This is like following a serial novel in a newspaper - every day a new installment, every day a cliffhanger! (By now, when visiting the Gauge, I always go first into the Scratchin' & Bashin' section to see "what's new from Robin?"
Today's cliffhanger: How will you fabricate the headgear tower???

Since I also plan two mines on my TC&W, I'm eagerly looking forward to your newest project. Surely I'll learn a few more tricks from you, and I thank you already in advance for them.

I am most definately thankful that I am not a brain cell in your noggin, dude. I'd look like one o' them worms you see all dried out on the sidewalk tryin' to keep up with your output.:eek: :p ;) :D
Tell the truth Robin, each of your structures takes you six to eight months to build, you took pictures during the process, and you're just posting them all now, right? Please?????

Seriously, amazing, simply amazing, and more so with each new project.
mhdishere, do I need to show a newspaper showing date to each of my projects??:D :D :D
Val, I know I should be doing more on my web site and will get to it sometime:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Well I have been busy today doing other things but got a little bit done this evening.


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Robin following along with others just waiting for another great project to come together. I believe I have the modeling talent to undertake some projects like this but I dont know how some of these structures function where do you find such info? Like in this project you said this will be were the fan is housed to the naked eye this looks like a building that could have anything in it do you know what I'm trying to say? Thanks Pat
Althought I never posted on a thread about Matthyro scratchbuildings, I always follow their development with pleasure. I have to say that matthyro has a great skill with his hands. I wish I could have just the half. Even today I tryed to build a tool house for my yard, and it was all wrong.

Keep up the good work. Your skill is an inspiration to us!