According to several news reports social distancing is the most powerful weapon. The number of new infections is decreasing steadily in Germany. In theory we could get over the worst in two to three months if the distancing rules are maintained or even intensified for a short period of time. At the moment one infected infects 1 - 1.2 non-infected persons. Last week it was 1.5, the week before 1.7 - 2.2. If the number is brought below 1 you can say that the situation is under control. Scientists think that this will be the case within the next two weeks. However, that does not mean everything is over. They think that hospitals need to constantly reserve 10,000 beds for infected people for one whole year.

Actual numbers for my town: 38 infected, 21 healed, 3 dead.


And the most shocking news: NO-ONE IS BUYING TOILET PAPER ANY LONGER!!! There are tons and tons of it lying about in warehouses, untouched. I'm wondering why..! ;)
Georgia is up to 10,885 cases and 413 deaths as of 12 noon EDT today, My son is at Pt. Loma in San Diego for his A school. The USN reports 50 cases on NTC San Diego, of which, Pt. Loma is a part. My wifes phobias are even worse so I had to ask to take next week off, just to try and keep her calm.
We have to be the threads that hold us together for those of us who may falter a bit. This is something quite unique in all of our lives, and genuine fear is better the being callous. You're a great husband Micah. ;)
As of Saturday 11Apr2020 at 1900 EDT Georgia was reporting 12,261 confirmed cases, and 433 deaths. Floyd county, where I live is reporting 107 cases and 5 deaths. Georgia Department of Health will report new numbers at 1200 EDT. My stash of models and figures is gonna take a big hit from this unplanned vacation.
We have to be the threads that hold us together for those of us who may falter a bit. This is something quite unique in all of our lives, and genuine fear is better the being callous. You're a great husband Micah. ;)
Thanks John. Be safe up there.
Yesterday I was at the local church to gather infos for a new project. Several people dropped by and checked if they could enter but the doors were locked. No surprise for me because it was stated so in the newspapers. One elder lady in a wheelchair was brought before the main gate and prayed.

State of today: 37 infected, 25 healed, 4 dead.
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As of Saturday 11Apr2020 at 1900 EDT Georgia was reporting 12,261 confirmed cases, and 433 deaths. Floyd county, where I live is reporting 107 cases and 5 deaths. Georgia Department of Health will report new numbers at 1200 EDT. My stash of models and figures is gonna take a big hit from this unplanned vacation.

Where are you in Georgia? I used to have 2 factories in Fitzgerald.
I can understand her sentiment. We are the church, and in reality need not go anywhere, though maintaining fellowship is important, sometimes you have to have that fellowship with the people right next to you. I lived in a small Connecticut wealthy town (I made it in as because I was caring for a person who ended up becoming a dear friend, definitly not wealthy by any means), this town prided itself on not knowing your neighbor. Huge estates, and the children always had to make play dates to play with each other. You could ever just drop by. That has become such a 'No-No" in society. When only landlines existed, that was the main way you socialized. You stopped by to see when they were home, and ou developed a rhythm. It was also a way we helped each other. You would see someone working on their car, motorcycle, or house, and help them. They would help you too. It wasn't "tit for tat", it was friendship. That's becoming easier with people in other countries than with people in your own town.

We have 65 infected, 1 deceased, and probably 1000's more infected as they are testing nobody.
As of 12 Noon, Monday 13Apr2020, Georgia Department of Health is reporting 13,315 confirmed cases, and 464 deaths, Floyd County has 111 cases and 6 deaths. Compare that to Fulton County, (Atlanta) with 1,598 cases and 52 deaths. I'm glad I'm in Floyd.
Holy Crap!! That's a lot of people!!
75 mph winds hit my house last night. I now have to go onto the roof an look at the damage. Just one more thing. Of course, there's no one who can help, and I'm not supposed to go on roofs because of my balance problems, and Spinal Cord injury. I built the roof, but it took a lot of sand out of me. Here we go again!! :)
75 mph winds hit my house last night. I now have to go onto the roof an look at the damage. Just one more thing. Of course, there's no one who can help, and I'm not supposed to go on roofs because of my balance problems, and Spinal Cord injury. I built the roof, but it took a lot of sand out of me. Here we go again!! :)

Where are You located? I would like to help if I can.
Dude, I'm in Connecticut. It is a Steel roof I started putting up, but I found out that my brother in law, who was "helping" me, did not understand the concept (he had never done a steel roof before), he is extremely obstinate, and just would not follow the 14' x 19" blue print I printed up on 10lb. card stock, multiple copies, he apparently "knew better"and our friendship has terminated (for other reasons, 6 weeks ago). He did not screw any screws in to the laff framing, or bottom edge row into wood frame, there was nothing holding the bottom row of 21 pieces of 4'L x36"W overlapping sections into wood. He screwed and tied into the longer 10' foot x 36"pieces, just screwing into the 14' foot long pieces on the ridge edges which are screwed down to the framing, but the ridge screws only tie in the wheel metal at that point., He didn't screw the bottom of those long pieces correctly either. If he had told me exactly where he had left off, as it was late November, I would have gone up the next day, but he said, "That'll hold you", and because of the angle, you cannot see the bolt heads. He is extremely intelligent, till his hubris takes over, then he is pig headed. I just came down from the roof 5 minutes ago and realized it won't be very hard to fix, just time, and weather need to cooperate. I genuinely express my Thanks for your offer. By tomorrow, I will have it on it's way to being sealed, mostly, so it will be water tight, and will start the final installation of the foam end pieces which keep out bugs and wind, on the end over the fascia.

Thanks for the offer, if I am careful, I can do the job, and boy will I be careful!! I wish my right arm was doing better, but plugging away an hour at a time will secure what I need secured, and once it warms up 10 degrees more, I will finish it off, the the house siding to match the new roof line. Ultimately, it is my fault for not going up there and inspecting the work, that's the bottom line. I will never understand why he did not do what I showed him, and he the same blueprints he had in his hands, and why he would tell me he did it the way I asked? :sadno:
Georgia got 7 tornadoes from EF-0 to EF-4 Sunday night / Monday morning, but they all went south of me. We had 30 to 40 knot winds and a butt load of rain, but nothing too bad. As of 12 noon EDT, Tuesday, 14Apr2020, Georgia Department of Health is reporting 14,223 cases and 501 deaths. Floyd County has 119 cases and 6 deaths. The numbers are still going up, but not as fast. Hope you and your roof are Okay John.
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We're doing fine. My neighbor, a emergency room Nurse, got Covid19, and is just recovering. He said she had a hard time breathing at one point, but she's a strong, beautiful, inside and out person. Fighting on the front lines, she's a hero to me. She didn't even hesitate going to work in Westchester Country which is one of the worst hit in the country. Her House front is around 100 feet from mine, directly in front. I asked he as to why he didn't tell me. I would have done anything to help them out.

She has 3 beautiful children all under 7. Her husband said they want a blood plasma sample within a couple of days as she has all but recovered. I thank God,and everyone else involved that she is fine. They are really special people, and the best neighbors I have had in the 20 years I have lived here. :)
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Right before Easter our county statistics showed more healed than infected people with a very low death rate. We are all cautiously optimistic but there is no reason for relief yet. Another week of data is required to estimate a trend.

Politicians all over the world are discussing about slowly re-activating everyday life, such as allowing certain shops and schools to open again. As long as there is nothing exact is known I think the purpose of those news and talks is only to ease the public. People seem to keep up better when they are given a goal.

Yesterday I had a thought regarding the infection numbers. Vreden has a population of about 22.551 and about 70 who are / were affected by the virus. So what does that mean? First, the percentage of cases is extremely low. So far so good. BUT second: If we return to "normal" now there will be 22.481 people who might catch and spread it, and no-one knows how severe the infection will be for every one of them. That is really scary. We must stay together and keep up till the infection chain has been broken.
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The latest readout ass to when things "should" be though to be able to back to normal is late "August", fromt what the top CDC people are saying. This has pissed off our illustrious leader, but there may be truth that some areas can open up. If tht were the case though, there would have to be some kind of travel restrictions, which the American public, whose mass transportation system is the automobile, will no t take to very lightly, finding backways and dirt orads to make their way around any boundary, or road barrier restricting travel. I don't see how it could be implemented, when they can't restrict travel now?