Georgia is now up to 146 cases confirmed, and 2 deaths. both deaths were people over 60 with other health issues. The company I work for has added some safety measures, but we still go to work. we now wear N95 masks and gloves at every customers location, company safety policy... I hate those masks.
Today there was a news report on a German reseller trying to sell worthless paper masks (!) to a Chinese bulk purchaser. He even tried to fool other countries as well stressing "limited supply, order asap". Another report was about a hospital storage that was plundered; 50.000 protective masks had been stolen (the "good" ones, FFP3 masks, reserved for medical personnell). And a third report was about some teenagers celebrating a birthday party in the streets. When the police asked them to spread they did so - but not as intended. They continued celebrating at the local park and formed groups of five. When they were asked why they were disobeying the recommendations one of them replied: "We know that we should not do it, but we are friends and young. So we are not the target group." :violin:
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Today there was a news report on a German reseller trying to sell worthless paper masks (!) to a Chinese bulk purchaser. He even tried to fool other countries as well stressing "limited supply, order asap". Another report was about a hospital storage that was plundered; 50.000 protective masks had been stolen (the "good" ones, FFP3 masks, reserved for medical personnell). And a third report was about some teenagers celebrating a birthday party in the streets. When the police asked them to spread they did so - but not as intended. They continued celebrating at the local park and formed groups of five. When they were asked why they were disobeying the recommendations one of them replied: "We know that we should not do it, but we are friends and young. So we are not the target group." :violin:

They will be coughing that response with that attitude. Being young comes with a empty head. :)

Here are some links which I hope will help.

Eosinophilic pneumonia induced by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: An underestimated risk.

While the above is not COVID19 specifically since covid19 induces pneumonia it’s not a great stretch.

Schools in Virginia and Wisconsin are closed. Everything is going on-line. Interesting times for the kids and parents coming up!

Opportunities abound for card stock modeling! We can't go outside anyway, might as well do something good with the time outside of watching movies, hanging out with your significant other, etc. Just remember what you've got and be thankful for everyday. Tell the people around you that they are loved and that everything will eventually be ok. This too shall pass.

Take care.

Sky Seeker
Once al the test results come in, some predict Connecticut could up at least 100 fold, though I have no idea how that number is reached. It think that the news could have made a more general statement. They're *new, some government officials) almost incinting fear. Keep the numbers real, and "We just don't know yet" is a legitimate answer. I think if the State had a number of how many people that were deemed fit to check, and mapped that part of the state, that could give an idea of what's going on where. I live in a small Connecticut town, but the main road, of which my dirt road is off is a well traveled short cut to a main New York Route. I haven't seen any cars going up and down that hill for a week now. Everyone really is "holed up" for now.
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My town has slowed down tremendously. It was quiet before but now it looks like an ordinary Sunday with less people. All shops are closed except for drug stores and supermarkets. The crowds at the pharmacy have gotten shorter (I guess have stocked up enough on medication), the local kiosk opens only for a few hours. Many retailers have put up info papers in the windows of their shops. Some are in home office and offer a special order and delivery service (you can order per phone and the goods are brought to your door step). So far only one new positive and the first one healed reported. The ambulance is the only one to break the silence from time to time. Today I saw them twice driving down the street with light and sound.

Other than that today was a beautiful day, blue sky, sunny, and the birds were trilling at every corner. That made me think about the effect of this "shutdown" on the climate. In the past history, there was only one noticable decline in exhaust fumes and fine particles in the air: the week after 9/11, when all plane flights were stopped. Now with the whole world on "life support", I'm wondering what this will do to the atmosphere.
Work for plumbers her in the Atlanta metro area is still good, 287 cases and 10 deaths in Georgia as of 5PM EDT
In France, the watchword is stay at home.
Only pharmacies and doctors, idle transport and food shops that still work.
We have exceeded 11,000 confirmed cases and 372 deaths, nothing compared to the Italians who have more than 3,400 deaths.
Good luck to all of you and stay at home.
My doctors are caling cancelling the appts. I have for this month. The one I really need is my Pain Management doctor. I think he will probably just call in the meds without seeing me. He says I am one of his most knowledgeable (about the conditions I have) people that he reats. It makes it easy to have a discussion with him or his assistants. Mind you, all my other Pain Management doctors hated that I knew what was going on with me, and it took a long time to develop relationships, which eventually failed, but this doctor is the best doctor I have had in over 30 years.

I went to the grocery store. 1/3rd of the people had masks on, the others didn't. I did. I don't know, the percentage says for this area we're still good, but why take a chance? I am susceptible to pneumonia because of inhaling some really bad stuff working for the aerospace industry, which has damaged my lungs. Beryllium, for instance, breathed that dust in for a week before they realised what they had give me to cut. I was pissed, but there wasn''t a damned thing I could do about it.. I have to be careful every year around flu season, and I always get the flu vaccine.

The roads are pretty sparse with few cars, it feels like driving around on Christmas day, some cars, but not many, and for a Friday, that is weird. My wife now has to work from home, and they want her to come in once a week, but that may even change.
A word of thought !! Im from the uk and people are panic buying all the produce from the shops totaly stripping the shelves, and as ive read buying alot of produce that has a long shelf life , there has been alot of racketeering going on here as in people bulk buying food and selling online or in there local store and reselling back to the consumer, in most extortionate prices, and i think this is so wrong in these dificult times, taking advantage of a international crisis. please please!!! just consider other people , like the old women who cant get in to the store or struggles to do her grocery shop, they have to eat too!!, there is enough food for everyone if we just buy what we need, and the wagons will always keep coming in too fill our shelves
That desire to stock up on goods is grotesque considering that the supply chain is still intact. In the US it is arms. In France it is red wine and condoms, in the Netherlands it is cheese and cannabis and in Germany it is flour and - toilet paper! There is even an app telling you how long your toilet paper stock will last:

I just got an email from eBay. They recommend supporting local retailers and will delete any offers of disinfectant and protective masks and deals of obvious scalpers.
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You get in a lot of trouble here for price gouging, it could get your house burned down too........

We just had the first case confirmed in our town. Like everywhere else, this person brought it into the town by being with someone, somewhere, where the disease was. Personally, I would have stayed where I was at, but that person may not have had that option, so they went home. Hard to blame someone for that. I don't, there's no place like home.
Here its like Business as usual, of course, schools and Universities are closed to only Online Classes. Went down for groceries the other day and it looked like any other day, once I looked a bit more I could see ALL the Bottled water was gone, no surprises there ( glad I have my own well )
Next, I noticed just about all the Chips ( Crisp ) aisle was decimated, worse then Superbowl Time. Next all the frozen foods, the same thing... Empty!
Fresh stuff no problem, but a frozen dinner...forget it. So grabbed a bunch of stuff there and made up some stews and soups, will last several weeks...since I only eat 1 meal a day.

Take GREAT CARE, all our Modeling Friends!!
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Just put in a new well pump in 5 weeks ago. They wanted $4000 to do it. I did it with a friend, he's a certified plumber. Total costs, $1200, for a top grade pump. Damned thing was 200 feet deep. I just put in a new toilet true, best toilet I have ever owned, dual flush flap American Standard. Separate flaps for bowl ring and one for actual flushing sequence. The toilet puts a 1" inch thick full swirl around the bowl. I have never seen a toilet like this.

My wife's job is considered essential, but she is working from home 4 days a week. The local Stop & Shop is pretty well stocked. Lots of fast food items gone, but there is a lot of food, and they hand many pallets in the aisle, it was obvious they were restocking. I think if people eep holing up, and don't gather in non necessary groups, sick people, please stay home, this should peak 6 weeks or so from now,. When there are no new cases for a couple of weeks, that will be a good indication. More info still needed on whether people can get the same disease again if exposed again, that is an unknown yet. We have a few people in Connecticut that have recovered already. Loads of common sense is needed but that is sometimes in very short supply.
Here in Georgia we hit 600 confirmed cases and 23 deaths today. Plumbing is considered essential, so I am still working, but the call count is dropping. so I have been sent home early a few days.
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Plumber always have work, so calls may drop off, but it will bounce back.. I pressed like on your post, but for me it meant "acknolwedge". I wish we had more choices than like that reflected more sentiments, alas, it's what it is (emoticons, that it). :)
New Mexico Governor Just made the announcement of "Stay at Home Order", and the closing of all Non-Essential Businesses.
Actually sounds absolutely right on target, stay away and stop the spread!
Albuquerque Empty Streets

there was a timelapse of driving down the major roads and they were totally empty ( couldn't find a link ), which is just scary if you have ever been there!!
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Prez Thump has just announced he wants the distancing and a return to work withinn a week or so. He contractics the Surgeon General, and all other doctors. Is it me, or is he so out of touch, or is he trying to change the demographics of the country? Is he that smart? I don't know if he's just an Orangutan running things or has some kind of fiendish plan. Can complete incompetence end up serving the will of evil, if that person happens to be evil, in charge, and a buffoon? Just ramblings of someone who doesn't have a clue(me). IMHO
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Man must understand that there are somethings that must run the course to separate the wheat from the chaff. I'm not saying we should do nothing. I'm just saying stop and put on a inner tube before you join the rest of the lemmings. I pity trump and all the folks who lust for power. They are all fools shepherding fools! The fathers of the country would fall dead on the spot if they heard the ramblings of our so called leaders from both sides. This is a press inspired melt down in the markets and a partisan political debacle in response to a natural occurrence. Lord please remove these fools from our site and let us elect some new fools. We get what we deserve by allowing the lowest common denominator to speak for us as we dance at Disney World.


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