Chicken ovum serums are a little dangerous. but so is falling down the stairs. If possible get inoculations from a clinic that uses fish ovum to make the serums. That way there is no chance of the usual retro-viruses hurting you. you might have to wait, but if you start insisting on that now, you will only wait once. Cigarettes do cause birth defects, strokes, cancers and even nervous conditions, such as severe anxiety attacks from nicotine withdrawal. We do need to grow up and stop smoking, I did, and I'm glad as my throat and sinuses really got sensitive every time I smoked. I am investigating UV light as a way to kill the virus, even Infra red light exposure, perhaps it will help in some way for those infected with CV. For now perhaps a surface treatment.
It's really the only way to stop the spread of this virus. No known cure, the infections have to stop, and that means stay at home, go out only when necessary, wear the masks, make your own hand sanitizer if you don't have any, save those bottles because antibacterial soap, a few drops, and alcohol make a great hand sanitizer. Once people stop getting infected and that last person overcomes or succumbs to the virus, then maybe this pandemic will be over. .
That means really biting down on your lip and just accept the things the would otherwise peave you.

spaceagent-9 says;
Yes! Sanitation and sanctification is a way to stop the spread.
Eliminating all the co-lateral damages and inconveniences symptomologies is also a way to improve our situations. Decontaminating is very important to stay away from bacterial build up and other illnesses. Once you see a demonstration of what happens if you don't spray down with 1/4 bleach 3/4 water every day in your shower, bathroom, kitchen etc... it will seem very stupid not to.
U.V. wands, of the right frequency, kill 9% of all bacteria and viruses known to mankind. To do a computer Keyboard, for instance, you would pass the wand slowly, about 3 inches every 10 seconds. The would kill any bacteria on that surface. A cell phone, or door handle would require no less than to seconds making sure the whole surface got that amount of coverage. UV-C is the frequency you want. You cannot use this on your skin!!!

I am going to purchase this one. Link =
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My town jumed from around 20 confirmed cases to around 60 in one day. For a town of 26,000, that's a lot. It reflects the backlog of tests, and shows that there are many people out there walking around with this virus, who it may not be suffering much at all, but cap spread it like gasoline on a wildfire. In all honestly, the amount of asshole comments I have read on Facebook, and other places makes me think that people I otherwise though had their head tightened on straight are out of touch with reality.
We have our first deceased, a 78-year-old woman who was under quarantine.
Day 3 of total lock down in Tampa. I am allowed out but only to go to my plant. I hope you guys are all staying safe. More J2 lower section build pictures coming soon as well as the publish of the upper section. I am compiling the pdfs tonight. In the mean time I did do a quick build for a friend of something that I found online. I have attached the picture here.


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    magic bus.jpg
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That VW Bus came out nice. I saw one built where the guy water formed the roof to get the radii, wow, the model popped!!

As far as Facebook, YES!! Asshole remarks, along with unresearched dilusional comments are the norm. I only have to hear it because my wife has her nose in "FacePalm" for substantial amounts of time, she has a large family, but sometimes the things that people she has friended really piss her off, and of course, after being together for 33 years(it may be more, but it's definitely not less), I have to listen to it.
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We have our first deceased, a 78-year-old woman who was under quarantine.

That's a pretty good run, I hope she didn't suffer much, she's in the arms of the Angels, flotsam on the shores of Heaven. :)
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Hi from Hungary
9.7m population / 492 confirmed cases / 37 recovered / 16 deaths

I'm working from home (software developer) in a small village. Starting on the 3rd week.
Food and essentials are available in the stores no problems with services whatsoever.
There is a very light limit on going outside, mostly to try to protect the elderly.
Public transport is severely limited. The front door is locked on the buses and tickets can only be bought online. so no interaction with the drivers.
Schools are closed, they are trying to switch to digital schooling. We will see how that goes.

But overall so far so good here.


On the gov. responses:
I was just reading the national news (Hungary), so the ruling party wanted more authority to deal with the emergency, of course just "until the end of emergency".
Most other parties said OK, but we need regular reviews on when that end is (the times of those differed 30 to 90 days).
The ruling party did not want any of that.
They needed 4/5 of the votes, so the bill did not pass (they barely have 2/3+ of the seats) the first time.
And this week they only needed 2/3 of the votes the 2nd time. So now they have the emergency powers for basically as long as they say they need it. (ok it is more complex but they generally do things like a bulldozer so they will find a way if it suits them)
Somehow I have Star Wars ep 3 flashbacks.
I know what you mean, once some people have power, they never want to let it go.
Sooooo, for half a week now the number of infected is stagnating and slightly decreasing and the number of healed is increasing by the same amount here! No time to party yet because the weather is splendid, and with the rising temperatures I observed an increasing number of people in the streets. Things don't look too bad but the situation is somewhat crazy. I understand the desire to go for a walk now and then but I find it more and more difficult to maintain the safety distance, especially when I'm making errands for the company. I'm hopping from one side of the street to the other like an Easter rabbit. And I'm known to walk fast (my average speed is 6 km/h; I can estimate distances by the duration of my walking ;) ). Especially couples tend to take up the whole space of the sidewalk or street, either riding a bike or on foot. That ruins my shortcuts because the small alleys are blocked by people standing or strolling around. I'm spending more time avoiding people than I want to. And since last Sunday the flower shops have opened again. I don't get it. It is much too early for that. I'm shaking my head. To my surprise, the ice cream parlor has opened, too, and was immediately full of people, especially young ones. I would not be surprised if the infection number will rise again in a few days. :/
Too short of a time. This virus could be carried for 14 days asymptomatic, and that person will be contagious the whole time.
On the gov. responses:
I was just reading the national news (Hungary), so the ruling party wanted more authority to deal with the emergency, of course just "until the end of emergency".
Most other parties said OK, but we need regular reviews on when that end is (the times of those differed 30 to 90 days).
The ruling party did not want any of that.
They needed 4/5 of the votes, so the bill did not pass (they barely have 2/3+ of the seats) the first time.
And this week they only needed 2/3 of the votes the 2nd time. So now they have the emergency powers for basically as long as they say they need it. (ok it is more complex but they generally do things like a bulldozer so they will find a way if it suits them)
Somehow I have Star Wars ep 3 flashbacks.

In Czech Republic we had few similar attempts, some of them even had no conection to covid situation - like enble trust fund owned companys to hide their actual owners (because our Prime Minister was forced to carry his big agricultural companies to trust funds managed by his family members), but goverment oposition luckily did their work and managed to stop this activities for now. Well at least the one known to public.
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Too short of a time. This virus could be carried for 14 days asymptomatic, and that person will be contagious the whole time.
INDEED! Unfortunately not all the people haven't got that yet.

Today it was even worse at the shops. Covidiots everywhere you go. If you are standing in the narrow hallway (which is only 1.5 meters wide) to check out people are still trying to pass by from the side. I ended up blocking the way with my shopping cart and told the others to walk around if they want to get behind me. To my surprise everyone complied to my order without complaining. But if you tell the ones in the queue before the entrance to step back when you are trying to leave they don't move but stare back at you like a cow. I'm starting to feel like someone from the local regulatory office. And the poor shop assistants STILL have to remind every second person to use a shopping cart even though there are BIG notes written everywhere. People act as if the assistants want them to fill up the cart and don't get that the cart is just a tool to keep the distance. Ah well.

However, one positive thing: I was able to get some toilet paper for a colleague of mine who hadn't found any at her place for weeks. ;)
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INDEED! Unfortunately not all the people haven't got that yet.

Today it was even worse at the shops. Covidiots everywhere you go. If you are standing in the narrow hallway (which is only 1.5 meters wide) to check out people are still trying to pass by from the side. I ended up blocking the way with my shopping cart and told the others to walk around if they want to get behind me. To my surprise everyone complied to my order without complaining. But if you tell the ones in the queue before the entrance to step back when you are trying to leave they don't move but stare back at you like a cow. I'm starting to feel like someone from the local regulatory office. And the poor shop assistants STILL have to remind every second person to use a shopping cart even though there are BIG notes written everywhere. People act if the assistants want them to fill up the cart and don't get that the cart is just a tool to keep the distance. Ah well.

However, one positive thing: I was able to get some toilet paper for a colleague of mine who hadn't found any at her place for weeks. ;)

I waited 1 hour outside a Walmart on Saturday morning to get some supplies for my Father In Law. Everyone was calm but there was a sense of unease in the air. I hope and pray for a end soon. I also hope you are on the safe end of things soon too. We are praying for England's prime minister also. Politics aside leadership is needed in a crisis and He needs to get better asap.

Be safe
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After reading that article, I see they try to spread the blame for what happened to people other than the clown who caused the problem. This fiasco belongs at the door of the former Navy Secretary. Apparently, he thought he ran the Navy then, as typical with the self-absorbed, threw a tantrum when people disagreed with him. He took actions on his own without consulting those above and below him in the chain-of-command. Now he is where he belongs, somewhere other than the Navy Secretary job. He'll probably wind up at some university or a board of directors somewhere.

Unfortunately, we probably will never get to the bottom of what really happened. One thing is certain, captains of Navy vessels don't need to be distributing memos in such a way they will get to the press. Also, people need to quit leaking things to the press illegally. That memo discussed readiness of an aircraft carrier in such a way that it compromised it's mission. Definitely, not good.
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The videos of the Captain of the Roosevelt being cheered on as he disembarked said it all, total respect from his crew. The irresponsibility of the "Navy" to handle this ongoing problem,s representative of the "WHOLE" situation, displaying a lack of chain of command that rests at the top of that chain, the very top. To say you "did not know what was going on", on one of the most powerful ships in the world, capable of debilitating many nations, is unfortunately typical. Just like the "Nobody saw this (COVID) coming" defense, when the evidence points back to January. I don't even have to say a name.
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It is a very bad situation. One of many to come as we stumble forward from one malfunction to another in this crisis. I just hope that we can all be safe to make it thru to rebuild and replenish. The lack of leadership, or fails made by it, will be analyzed and corrected after the recovery and mourning. Let us just pray that or boys stay healthy and on guard to protect us as they always do. Our faith should always be in a higher place not in the earthly leaders that suffer from the same short comings we all exhibit from time to time.

And BTW:
It is good to see healthy commentary for a change. You folks are great!

Good Friday to all of You.....and thanks for being there while we all suffer on thru!
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