Currently at 803 cases and 26 deaths in Georgia now, and I go to work tomorrow.. Grrrr
Take good care of yourself. I'll be going to work in a few minutes. I work at an old people's home. It's my first day after the outbreak. I'm curious to see how work will be like now.
Could we please follow forum rule 1g and refrain from political baiting? Not all of us agree politically and personal descriptions can anger some people. Especially those who have to self-censure because they don't believe the same as others who shout the loudest.
I see no political baiting. You can express your opinion. If someone tells you you're wrong, then that becomes a problem, so there will be none of that and there has not been. This is a unique situation since the Spanish-flu two turns of the centuries ago. This is not political baiting, this is life or death potentially.

We have a President that gave an address yesterday, back peddling, after he made horrid suggestions about getting the "economy" up and running, and countermanding the suggestions and enforcement of the Governor's of many states, and about keeping distance from each other, and not grouping. He belives it will be over in two weeks. That requires addressing. If you think it will be over in 2 weeks, then that's what you think. The majority of scientists do not agree with this assessment.

I see no one here shouting either. Everyone has been courteous and respectful. If some one states an opinion and it does not agree with yours, that is not shouting or baiting. No one has stated anything that is out of order. If someone does, I will explicitly state why that opinion breaks the rules. The facts are facts. Our government, both sides of the aisle have been in a decades power struggle that has helped no one, and we pay the price. I am affiliated with no party.

Fact is that a president that dictates by tweets and does not follow the advice of his own Surgeon General, and other health advisor, he is in error, IMHO. That is my opinion, but the facts that lead me to form that opinion are well documented, just listen do every news broadcast and read all the internet news sites, and the statements made bythe Surgeon General, and the leaders for the CDC (Center for Disease Control).

I reserve the right to make the call if something is out of hand, and a worldwide pandemic means people need to be heard and express themselves.

If "someone" gets angry because someone else expressed their opinion, then the problem lies with them. No one is proselytizing.

It is not the time to stick you head in the ground. If you feel the need to post something, then post in (I mean "you in general"). No one will shoot you down unless you don't follow the respectful tone that has been set here.

Believe me, and I think everyone knows, I will not and do not tolerate intimidation by or towards any member of this forum. This is a very unique time, and for some people, one of the few outlets that they have where they will not be pounced upon. Let's share our opinions, we do not need to come to a consensus.
First day at work went very well. Everyone was glad to see our "family" complete again. The support and understanding among the people in town is exemplary. They honestly take care of each other which is a very good thing. Some have even found loo paper. ;)

Our Woolworth and all other similar stores are closed, so the possibility to get new clothing in town is down to zero. Ordering online seems to be the weapon of choice regarding goods beyond food and medicine for the time being. Even the hairdressers are unavailable. When the postman delivers a parcel he doesn't let the receiver confirm the delivery with a pen but takes a picture of the receiver and the parcel with the smartphone instead.

So far 30 positive, no healed and no dead. The German government has approved large-scale financial aids for hospitals, self-employed and corporations.
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I wasn't accusing you of shouting, that was a comment on the state of affairs in many cases where the loud and accepted opinion in some circles (eg college campus) makes many people self-censure out of fear of verbal attack. I tend to make concise posts and sometimes leave out too much. I'm sorry about that.

I also re-read your post and saw that it had some hypothetical and not direct statements. That was my misinterpretation and again I am sorry about that.

A big problem with understanding this situation is that it is very complicated and the news media have experts in journalism who know next to nothing about everything they write about. Per topic, they are just as much an amateur as everyone else, but they are experts at telling a story loosely based on the truth. One has to dig down and search for the real answers.

The situation in China is unique in the world. You have an extremely dense population center that is also a dense manufacturing center. Couple that with a communist government and things get scary.

The situation in Italy is extremely unique in the world. They have a single payer health care system that has a terribly limited primary care system. If you get sick, you go to the emergency room. They barely have enough ER space for normal problems and this overwhelmed it. China is heavily invested in Italy and spread the virus there rapidly. Italy has a much higher average population age than the US. Higher percentage of people over 80 than most other countries. Italy has a lot of heavy smokers, so that elderly population is also loaded with weak lungs. Perfect situation for this respiratory virus. Big influx of foreign workers, poor delivery of primary care, not enough ER space to deal with this problem, high number of older citizens, and pre-existing lung problems. Tragedy follows.

Another problem with this story is statistics. We really don't know how long this virus has been in the US. We were testing people who were high risk patients. We are now testing more people in general. More positive cases does not necessarily mean the virus is spreading rapidly. There is no way to really know we can only further our knowledge of the current situation, not the historical situation. We have a very bad case of sample bias in this instance and it is used to cause panic, sometimes accidentally and sometimes purposely. We have doctors making statements that are misinterpreted by the media and used to generate headlines. Journalists don't fully understand the specific technical meaning of words used in scientific disciplines. This furthers panic.

Every doctor I hear, who is not working in a political capacity, says the same thing about this virus. Over 80 have a big problem if they have respiratory issues. This is a respiratory virus and they know a lot about treating respiratory viruses. The virus is extremely weak and can easily be killed with washing hands for a short period of time. 20 seconds is short, try washing your hands to go into a surgical facility and you'll know why I said short.

The US and China have a lot of travel between us and this was limited in January. We have now also limited travel with Europe. The US made significant strides in limiting the spread to our country. The panic we see now comes from misinformation and mismanagement caused by ignorance and fear. Journalists and governors/mayors are making bad and illegal decisions based on fear and ignorance of their consequences. Fear causes people to do stupid things (like buying too much toilet paper).

Case in point. We had a news report of an expert and his prediction. He was head of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Systems under Obama so he's an expert on these things, right? No. His education is in business and he is an investment banker who was in charge of a bureaucracy. He said we will have over a million deaths from this in the US. These people have to outdo each other to get headlines, it doesn't matter if they are ridiculous.

Two good quotes I heard this week.

When things get weird the weird go pro.


Every day is an IQ test. Please compete.
In France, the epidemic is only at its beginnings and we already have 25,300 confirmed cases tested (+ all the others not tested and not listed) and more than 1,330 deaths official figure the hospital without the count of retirement homes and deaths at home, so a lot +. The contagion explodes all over the territory i.e. 13.5% + in 24 hours saying that it is a weak virus ...
I don't have anything yet. Let's move on to something more enjoyable
I got down to the Alien derelic. As it has already been the subject of a detailed subject, I will post some photos of the construction progress. And thanks to Revell-Fan, the assembly instructions help me a lot. Vielen Dank...
subnuke, I took your remark as an "in general", I did not take it as you accusing me of anything..

Now, you have stated your opinion on what you see as going on. I agree with most of what you said, I could expand on a lot of it, it isn't so black and white. The Mcshegan (SP?) treaty in the E.U. has allowed the virus to spread, and in a way, the same go anywhere freedom we have in the U.S. has helped the Virus spread. That's all I have to say abut it. No one is shooting anyone down for posting anything. By the way, Obama has been out of office a long time, and is irrelevant too anything on a national level. The present government, the WHOLE government is so separated along party lines, they have forgotten about "We the people". At least the passed the relief act, which should help a lot of people. In short, let's print up some more money and hand it out. A country is worth what it can produce, so that does make the U.S. quite rich economically.

This is one area in where I agree with Prez. Thump,, we need to produce more here, we need to do all the essentials here, but I am not an isolationist. That would eventually lead to wars, as other economies would collapse, and alliances that otherwise would not exist would form, and in the end, it would cost us very much, not in money either, but in human lives. Past is prologue. Now let us (you and I) stop, and let the membership set the tone for postings. :)
As of 9:22 PM EDT Georgia sits now at 1.397 cases and 40 deaths, but Georgia is still not doing open testing. To be tested in Georgia you must either, have symptoms, have been exposed, be a first responder or medical field, or be in one of the most at risk groups. but by way of comparison there are still 50 counties in Georgia with No confirmed cases.
In Connecticut, you need a note from your doctor. It's not like they can do anything anyways. Everybody is still holed up. Very few cars on the road. 6:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. shoppin at the Local Stop & Shop is for people over 60 or disabled. I qualify on both fronts. VVery few people using masks. I don't know if they just don't have them or don't care. Everyone is being very cordial. No more eggs, or bottled water. Otherwise, pretty well stocked. 12 cases reported in my town, 63 verified cases 6 miles from me in the next town over.
Hillsborough County has enacted emergency curfew and other stay at home measures. Even with my manufacturing plant being essential my production must be slowed due to permitting for my homes not being available in some Florida counties. I have to lay off 47 people this morning. I ask you to pray for these folks. I have done all I can to keep the ship afloat and I hope that this ends soon with enough brain trust and skill set available to restart/rebuild my work family. These folks are my Family away from family. I have to tell you this really hurts.

Have a safe day!
That hurts Surfduke, I know that musy have painful. People think small businesses have a lot of money and while they are the backbone of this country, they suffer the most from economic fluctuations, and in this case, a disaster. I wish you all the best luck.
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Thanks Guys.

It's gonna be a while before this blows over. I just hope that I can hold off on further layoffs.

Gotta keep a stiff upper lip and Pray.

Be safe and stay home if you can.
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Went to get lunch with someone, wasn't allowed in the lobby, had to use the drive thru.
Then we weren't allowed to sit in the parking lot and eat,
so we went to a rec center to look at the lake and the mini golf.
We were immediately scope'd by the cop patrol,
then rec center agents came out and asked us to leave nicely,
saying that they are going to fence off all the city parks for 8 weeks.
He told us that people are almost rioting about not being allowed to even park in the rec center parking lot to simply look at the place,
[ a lot of pedal boats and stuff, a fountain always on].
It's really Martial law lite out there folks.
It's really the only way to stop the spread of this virus. No known cure, the infections have to stop, and that means stay at home, go out only when necessary, where the masks, make your own hand sanitizer if you don't have any, save those bottles because antibacterial soap, a few drops, and alcohol make a great hand sanitizer. Once people stop getting infected and that last person overcomes or succumbs to the virus, then maybe this pandemic will be over. God forbid that it cycles like the flu. Being locked iup in home makes it no only martial law, but it also makes it marital law, for those of us who are married. That means really biting down oin your lip and just accept the things the would otherwise peave you. I have noticed an apology soon follows, but if I was married to me, I'd be pissed off too!! :)
It's really the only way to stop the spread of this virus. No known cure, the infections have to stop, and that means stay at home, go out only when necessary, where the masks, make your own hand sanitizer if you don't have any, save those bottles because antibacterial soap, a few drops, and alcohol make a great hand sanitizer. Once people stop getting infected and that last person overcomes or succumbs to the virus, then maybe this pandemic will be over. God forbid that it cycles like the flu. Being locked iup in home makes it no only martial law, but it also makes it marital law, for those of us who are married. That means really biting down oin your lip and just accept the things the would otherwise peave you. I have noticed an apology soon follows, but if I was married to me, I'd be pissed off too!! :)
Lord have mercy you hit in on the head!
And I'd be pissed off if I was married to me too.
BTW I feel for you spaceagent. It is getting wild and I hope it lightens up all around soon too. Gonna write me a book to record this surf thru the apocalypse so future generations will get Frontline report. LoL

Be safe!
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Several cities around Atlanta have enacted "shelter in place" orders, but the state is still just in a state of Emergency. Georgia is at 1550 confirmed cases but still at only 48 deaths. And on a happyer note to me, Rome, Floyd county where I live has not had a new case in 5 days.
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My neighbor thinks that Flu shots are a government conspiracy, he thinks everything is a government conspiracy, even the government (which in essence it is, because all governments are conspiracies made as a way to manage society?). His kids don't get vaccinated. Ironically he's had lung cancer twice, he smoked like a stovepipe, lost a testicle to cancer. I never understood why he never thought that cigarettes could be called a cigarette manufacturers conspiracy. People like this become carriers and spread the flu because they have it for a few days, when it is most contagious, but don't realize it's more than a cold, so others who haven't got their shot because of time constrains, laziness, or just put it off too long, get sick. Combine that with years when they CDC identifies the wrong strains and ineffectual vaccines are made, and you're left with a pile of sh*t.

I'd hate to drop a nut because someone coughed into the air in front of me. :noteeth: