
Staff member
Apr 5, 2013
Buy what you can now and make a storage pantry . Lots of non refrigerated food goods that can be eaten as is, or with just heating. I want to buy a small separate freezer, but that relies on the energy grid, which frankly isnot so good in this area. I live in Connecticut, the stores are already running out of many goods. We are stocked up, but now as much as I wish I was.

Please don't post any paranoid remarks. Just suggestions and observtios. I think if people use common sense, and don't go to parties, stop shaking hands, and be careful on who you make contact with may allow us to ride this wave out. Peace, health and safety to all of you. I love all of you guys, and wish the best for all of us.

I know there are many knowledgeable people on their forum, I would really appreciate if they posted their suggestions. ;)
What is the situation in your country?

In our coutry (Czech Republic in central Europe) we have almost all shops closed with exception of groceny, fuel pumps, pharmacy and drugstore. It seems we will have quarantine soon, witch means you are only allowed to go to work and to shops.

Non frigerated food goods are quite hard to get, people are making stocks despite the government statements that food and fuel will nor run out.
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The pandemic has just arrived at my place (German-Dutch border). The day before yesterday one positive case was confirmed, yesterday another. Since I work at an old people's home it is imperative for me to be extremely careful when it comes to social contact (no handshakes, washing your hands more often than usual and coughing and sneezing into your armpit or a handkerchief). Since Friday no visitors are allowed at old people's homes and hospitals UNLESS it is absolutely necessary (nationwide). So far there is no need for sheep buys in Germany since the supply chain is still intact.

If you feel ill and have a fever and dry cough contact your doctor immediately via phone - do not see your doctor unless you are asked. Otherwise you could endanger your doc, his / her team and other patients which would make things worse. Having a fever and dry cough doesn't necessarily mean you have been infected, so don't panic. Only a lab test can tell which is nothing to be afraid of (the doc will take a sample from your nose and mouth using a long cotton stick).

If you are positive it is recommended to stay at home for about two weeks. Let a friend or relative go to the shops for you and let him / her put the goods before your door. Make use of your (cell) phone and Skype to stay in contact with others. Be extremely careful when you are older or when you have any lung or immune system defects.

Take good care of yourself!
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We have major stores saying they will be restocked on supplies Monday, but in Connecticut, there is no quarantine, in general, but all schools and mass meetings have been stopped. People seem to be being smart around here, I hope that the "self quarantine' minimal movement will help stop this virus spread. We have 1 confirmed case, and that guy came back from a trip in California, but self quarantined himself, he tested positive. He's probably 25 miles from me. I consider this a non issue, as he is under quarantine. He did the right thing the second he got back, even though he showed no symptoms, he got tested because of his trip from an infected area. That shows how dangerous this can be.
He acted realy well. Is this common behavior in your place? It is not so in my country. There is few positve taxi drivers and they were working even when feeling bad, lots of cases of people returning from ski holiday from Italy (= said European center of infection) violating mandatory home quarantine,
The mean thing is, IMO, that the symptoms can vary. Some show no to little symptoms, others are struck by it completely. The number at my place just rose to 7 confirmed cases. My checkup appointments at the doctors have already been delayed. All schools, bars and clubs are closed here, too. Teachers must appear at school though and continue class on the web / Skype following the Australian model of the "school of the air".
The Center for Disease Control has annouced no groups of 50 or more may congregate. I agree with you Bipetr, this Dr. acted responsibly. Fear makes people desperate. Once must have compassion but also be realistic to defend themselves. There are ways to help people without getting yourself in danger, but if you donot know those ways, the stay at home, and don't become part of the problem. This is no shame in protecting yourself if you don't know what to do. Getting food, and doing the minimal, one is not touchingn yur face with dirty hands, for instance, and staying ut of areas that you see people cough, as that cough turns into a mini cloud before in tocuhes the floor. No one i sure how long the virus can live exposed, so that means Lysol, watered down Bleach, are necessary for cleaning floors, hot water and soap is not enough. If people can just "Hole up" for a while, the peak may pass, and the virus run it's course for now. I think martial law may be around the corner.
Over 100 confirmed cases here in Georgia, 1 death so far. Where I live up here in Rome, up in NE Ga, there are three cases at the regional hospital, and 1 at the private hospital. Me being a plumber means there is no such thing as work from home, I go to customers homes, find and diagnose the problem, and give them options.

I have to be extra careful, as my wife has diabetes, and I don't want to put her at risk by bringing it home. Hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, nitril gloves, and a N95 mask in each home I go to.

Got to try to minimize the chance of catching it until my company decides it's too dangerous.
Over 100 confirmed cases here in Georgia, 1 death so far. Where I live up here in Rome, up in NE Ga, there are three cases at the regional hospital, and 1 at the private hospital. Me being a plumber means there is no such thing as work from home, I go to customers homes, find and diagnose the problem, and give them options.

I have to be extra careful, as my wife has diabetes, and I don't want to put her at risk by bringing it home. Hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, nitril gloves, and a N95 mask in each home I go to.

Got to try to minimize the chance of catching it until my company decides it's too dangerous.

Stay safe and I'll keep you in my prayers!
As from now on the mayors of all cities of my country have decided to close all bars, cafés, public baths, clubs, fitness studios, theatres, schools. So far 8 confirmed positive. A max of three customers are allowed to enter my local pharmacy at the same time. I have seen several queues of people waiting outside. My doc has placed some chairs right in front of his office. I'm out of duty till Wednesday due to the sinusitis. I'm counting on all non-vital appointments being cancelled.
Hi there papercrafters,

here in Greece things are serious too.
Although we have "only" about 330 cases, almost every place where people can gather is closed following governments orders. They closed Schools and Homes for the elderly first. Next where all bars, pubs, coffee-shops, restaurants .... You get the Picture.
As of today, there are only limited amounts of people allowed to be in super markets at the same time. Pharmacy's have to get the orders from costumers at the door through a little window to avoid contact of any costumer with the stored health products. Hospitals are sending patients with less important problems home to empty the beds and prepare for what is coming next. Respiratory Masks, antiseptic fluids ore wet hankies are all sold out everywhere.

Safest thing to do would be for everybody to stay at home but that is off course not so easy for most of the people with their jobs.

As hard as it sounds, there is no way around this. We have to protect ourselves, so no handshakes hugs or kisses and as micahrogers already mentioned use Hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, gloves, and a mask outside your homes and if possible wash your hands and faces more often then usual until this is under control.

As surfduke2001 already wrote "Stay Clean and Be Safe!"

Good luck to all of us
Luckily for us, our son is already in hospital. He had his transplant 2 weeks ago and so far everything is going well. His blood counts have started to rise on their own.

The hospital have sent all but one parent for each child home and have quarantined the entire children's block to be safe. It is a dedicated child cancer centre so most of the patients have little or no immune system. The staff are screened every day to make sure they are fit to enter the wards.

I think that, given the circumstances, the hospital have made the right decision.

Everywhere else the panic buying idiots are having a ball. No toilet roll, pasta, bread, canned foods, or medicines to be found in any store.

I'm from the UK.

Hope all are keeping safe and well.
People are buying like crazy here too. I am going to make another run at canned goods, and dry goods. There are virtually no "fresh" meats, but lots of frozen. Shop shopping means there's lots of stuff out there. ;)
here in Vermont they have 3 at UVM in Burlington and now 2 at Porter hospital where my wife Deb is. she's coming home tomorrow for sure
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It's done, we're confined. No right to go out except for health reasons, essential work and race with proof. Fixed and mobile police check, without proof fine of 135 €. We are in a state of war against the virus, about President Macron yesterday evening at 8 pm in France. We went to more than 6600 confirmed cases last night
We are still flat on cases reported and confirmed (60, virtually all of these people came from somewhere else). It will takes weeks to know if Connecticut holds this way I dread people coming up here from New Jersey and New York City to hole up, unless they know they aren't infected. The other part of me wants to help everyone I can, but that can get many people killed. We have to stay apart, and ride the wave of this virus till the vaccine is confirmed to be good, or something else happens. I think the Chinese need to do some serious self examination, as the flu viruses and now this, always originate in China, with people doing superstitious medical treatments, selling illegal foods, the denial.

The government there is now actually stating that the U.SA. Army started it. Right, In Wuhan province, right in the middle of the country. That is denial. They play a dangerous game, rather than deal with the facts. They would get far more respect for being transparent. IMHO
That is exactly what I mentioned to my mom a minute ago. Once the wave has passed, how will the world react to China? Due to the denial precious time was lost. Time that could have been used to contain the area of origin and to slow down the spreading. The doctors who found the virus first tried to warn the world but were silenced, at least one of them died from the infection. People were trapped inside their houses by the authorities: they had their doors welded shut to keep them under control. Dead people were lying on the floors in the crowded hospitals, relatives were unable to organize a funeral. These are nightmarish conditions. Due to their ignorant policy the whole world has to suffer now. Incredible.