Coal burning powerplant


Will always be re-membered
Dec 28, 2000
Georgetown, Ontario,Canada
Not popular these days because of polution but they sure helped keeping the cost of electricity low. Now there is a huge shortage of electricity and looked what happened to the price.
My model is based loosely on one that appeared in the MR Great Model Railroads 1994.
Mine has a 18inch by 6 inch footprint. It is N scale.
The first photo shows how I make the basic form out of corrugated cardboard


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Next I cut out the walls from cerealboard. The widows are from drywall flex tape. I will glue these walls to the building form after I paint them.


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Good Lord Robin. Between you and Shamus continuing to feed us these great modeling projects to watch you complete, I am not getting anything done on my projects. I am looking at this one because I have a space that needs something like the profile of your building. I may "borrow" your plan in the future.:)

I'm impressed - again and again...:) :) :)
in a recent program on history channel they stated that about 54% of the electricity generated in us comes from coal fired power plants ,worked in a mine that sold 3 million tons of steam coal a year a strip pit a little was from it is still selling 4 to 5 mil. a year .the model is great you do very nice work dont use much cardboard but when first started hobby used a lot of bristal(sp) board.
Can it mine eyes deceive (sniff) CORRIGATED CARDBOARD!!!! You've deviated from the cereal box path, you've strayed (sob) Next thing ya know...we'll be seeing (gasp, sob) BALSA WOOD and...and...then (low wailing) SCRIBED SIDING. The Giant of Cereal Box Modeling is...waivering? (bagpipes blowing a mournful derge)

Great work by the way. The Reid brothers don't hold a candle to your scratchbuilding, keep 'em coming.
Very VERY nice Matthyro. I was talking to Val a while back about John Merric the "elephant man" who made an amazing paper replica of a cathederal. It's jaw dropping stuff, just like your work.

Originally posted by Clerk
Shaygetz. Robin has sneaked in some of the corrogated cardboard in the past. I just haven't said anything hopeing it was our secret.

I...I...I jes' don't know whatah say...I'm standing at the edge of the abyss of dispair, having had all my idols smashed.
Robin - Absolutely amazing work. I've said it before, you can do more with cardboard and most of us could do with a $100 kit, even if we paid someone to build, paint, and detail it for us. If I were wearing a hat I'd tip it to you!

Keep up the great work, and keep posting it for us mere mortals to drool over!
Hi Robin!
It is so amazing to see how a cardboard box becomes a fine scale model!
The trim & window detail is just incredible!
A fantastic piece of work!
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Hey Robin.... those structures are Winter jobs Please get out into the garden and give us some breathing space to to catch up.
The decoration trim on those wall is fantastic. great modeling. I know you build whilst watching TV, you must be watching a lot of Bluejay games LOL
You are all so generous with your kind comments folks.
Jimmy I do get into the garden as you see here.
You are right about the Blue Jays and Toronto Argonauts and Nascar and Cascar.


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