Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

Well, if it is just a lump of plastic that can't pose, there really is no comparison to yours, which when painted, will show a diferent kind of detail that a painted lump of plastic emulates. :)
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Laser Blaster Armour and Shroud

It's finally time to address the armour for the arm weapons. I've been putting this off long enough.
One of the things I have been noticing in many attempts to build one of these hulking monstrosities is the walls of the cannons (in this case Blasters) and the weapons armour is too thin.


As you look at the photos below, take note that the construction walls are very thick. This affords a modicum of realism to the item rather than sticking a toilet paper roll into a turret and passing it off as a gun barrel.


Note how the walls of this construction are very solid looking. I would not try it but I'm pretty confident it would support my 16 stone weight.


I'm going to do something different with this shroud assembly and design and shape it whilst on the cannon assembly.just to make sure its a proper fit.
So we'll start with a sheet of 0,50 mm styrene and reinforce it later from within.

Every time I do this I end up regretting it because building something outside/in is very difficult. Ha!
I just want to make sure it's a tight fit.

I had the same problem with the Mega Blaster
Support you weight, I'm sure you could mount rifle barrels and have these things shooting 30-30 rounds! :)
Armour Continued:

The decorative armour seems to be more difficult than I anticipated.

My version of the Sun Blaster is more robust that the FW cannon so it requires some aesthetic compromises which I hope will work out.

I scribed out some lines to show where the plate reinforcement strips will go but I'm still wrestling with making the curves.

I'm also trying to make the louvers aft of the mount drum.


I had to increase the length of the shield by half an inch which caused some distressing of the surface. I'll call it "battle damage."

After all, these machines are millennia old, they must have taken a hit once in a while.


Yeah, I'll go with that rationale.
So, yours will be able to pose?
Oh yeah; all the leg, hip, waist, shoulder, arm, neck etc. joints are poseable. The only thing it cannot do that the Warlord can is swing the hip joints fore and aft which isn't a big loss because the foot pads prevent that movement anyway.

All my models are fully poseable; on the Warhound even all the toe joints and pistons can be moved, twisted, curled and flexed.

I'll have to dig up the images that demonstrate this.

Sorry for the late reply.
That's the big difference between yours, and the sculpted solid pieces. There is no comparison to what you are building. ;)
Superstructure Detail:


After a month or more I finally have something to show for all this effort...


First I found that a lot of the detail previously done was wrong or unsatisfactory.

The secondary armament in the corner bastions all had to be redone. I ran out of ossarium panels and had to redistribute them and substituted scroll panels...


The panels I thought I could use gun turrets were too wide and had to be altered

I had these doors I was going to use elsewhere.


They work rather well on the main gun.


In spite of the seeming dishevelment of the project it may surprise you to know; I'm thinking I am very close to priming certain areas.
The top level four corner bastions are essentially finished; the four corner bases are awaiting some decorative bitz.

Rather than subjecting my erstwhile viewers to the tedium of daily progress I opted to show a month's work in one swell foop...

The much neglected rear view of this model is my major project at the moment. That and making College Titanica and Adeptus Mechanicus symbols out of green stuff for the major embellishments...

I cobbled together outsized Imperial Eagles for the rooftop ornamentation making 6 overall.

Today I'm going to tackle the four exhaust ports and the lower deck ducting.

So to the business at hand in the way of pictures:


Note the rooftop Eagles and...


the Laser Cannon emplacements which will adorn the Warmonger version of this beauty.

These will be interchangeable with conical spires on the Emperor Imperial version as seen below


I really want to prime paint this today...

Work work work...
Detail of the legs and the 8 deck levels at the rear of the superstructure.

Alright we'll begin with the rear maintenance lower decks of which there will be four.

The bottom two will be for the reactor core which will look like the Warlords reactor

The three blue pipes are for the cooling system (glowing blue due to Cherenkov Radiation) the four vents two on either side are the heat exhaust ports...


The octagonal shin below the knee joint mount has eight cathedral windows and will have four ball turret triple laser cannons


Everything is lining up and coming out as if it were planned; go figure!!!
Incredible!! This has to be the top build of this subject ever! :)
Thanks for the reply...

In my previous post I mentioned how everything was coming together almost as if it were planned...

Nothing could be further from the truth; witness the large blank area at the rear of this Titan.


There was very little to go on in many areas of the rear elevation. Constant studying gave a glimmer of the detail.


And how easily they could be reproduced with virtually no modification to the existing structure.


Imagine my surprise to notice that the upper gallery relief could be duplicated on the lower two levels.


The most outstanding feature were the huge flying buttresses that adorn the rear detail.


Naturally the rear area cannot be made of stone but somehow the engineers incorporated this architectural feature purely for aesthetics.

Likewise the numerous gothic windows have no place in a war machine and I suspect they're a mere façade.

The corner turrets could also be incorporated with little trouble to the superstructure deck and the spacing of the buttresses allows for the gothic style windows.

The Rear Nave will house another large caliber cannon under the 'A' frame roof albeit of a lesser diameter than the front main cannon.

I may even make the windows stained "glass" (some sort of transparent metal alloy) perhaps a diamond material.
I would not now even where to start with a work of this magnitude. :)
Thousands of Bits of Plastic

Literally thousands of bits of plastic added since last I posted and d*mn me if I can see a difference overall.

I've carried out the closely spaced chest high crenellations theme to protect the combatants and added doors, ossuaries and scroll of departed crew members since the Titan was first constructed thousands of years ago.


There's still a tremendous amount of detail to be added to make this construct pop.
I can't tell what is new, but I see a difference in the detail level. Holy Smokes, what a build.:bowdown: