Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

Usually they say "break a leg" to actors, but never break a foot to modelers. Heal well and soon. ;)
Back in the Saddle Again

After being laid up with yet another bout with Covid, the worst one yet, these past few days have seen me in a flurry of industry where I managed to add quite a bit of detail to the upper works.

This first images of the superstructure shows the angular shaped stained glass window frames that decorate the bastions in groups or threes;


I made dozens of these basic decorations and they are used throughout the model in various sizes. Each one will ultimately be embellished with cut out paper 40k stained glass themes.


I may or may not cut these out and install lighting behind the frames but that is far down the road from where I am today.

The next images show the Gatling blaster mounted once again with the rear position of the gun mechanism lined up with the hull magazine. Amazingly it lines up with the proposed belt chain of projectiles even though I had not initially planned for this.



And another view for clarity....

Thanks for the reply,

Bastion Base Detail

Yeah I know; it looks like a step backwards but it took me a couple of days installing these stained glass window frames and the details thus far.

But now I can install the finer detail items such as layered armour, skulls and Aquilae, corner angles and tchotchkes. You'll see where I am going with this..


I've already decided I need to make two more building structures, rectories if you will' between the front and rear bastions which will really make the interior of the superstructure really POP!


But right now I am excited about how will these components have come out.


Naturally these will not be stacked like these but instead will serve as the corner bases for the superstructure.

I just thought it would be amusing to show them off before I install the really fun details.
So over the top!! I am sorry you got so sick, but am relieved you are doing better. This unique model is something no one will forget when done. ;)
Ye Gods, Has It Been That Long!

Over the past six years and four months since I started this project I've been repeatedly asked, What colour am I going to paint this beasty.

Well I've finally found a colour scheme I think will be befitting this endeavor.

It combines the understated mechanical appearance of a Lucius Pattern Emperor Titan with the garish opulence of the upper works.

The concept is credited to Joazzz2, the original 3D designer of the images I follow.


You can see I quite a bit of detailing still to do on the upper works before I commit to painting.

And the four spires on the superstructure will be "Vengeance Weapons Batteries" for aerial defense.


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Are We Having Fun Yet!

It took me the better part of a week but I finally have 22 cathedral style window frames for my buttresses.
Basilica Adminstratum


I cut them out from the panels of couple Basilica Adminstratum kits I had lying about.

Cripes! Blackadder Do you know what those kits are worth?
Yeah, in point of fact I just purchased one on ebay for a hundred bucks free shipping ( I still need more windows and door panels.)

But "In for a penny, in for a pound." I always say. It's only money.

So, was it worth it?
Not a problem Vejut. Making it look right in my minds eye is what make this project interesting. If everything went together perfectly what a bore that would be.

My third try at this Quake Cannon seems to have hit the mark....


The muzzle brake adds a nice touch (If that is what I think it is. Those holes must be for something besides esthetics.


Any ideas what they could be? Ordnance is not my specialty.
What an absolutely mammoth construction... just binged the whole build thus far!

loving how it sits in the plastic shelf, reminds me of those Mechs and Pacific Rim robots in their gantries...

Holes in the barrel, I think that has something to do with gas release and muzzle flash suppression, but in this universe it could be anything!

Looking forward to more!!!
This is amazing. All that a project like this require is just amazing. Not only the skills, that you clearly have. Imagine that you can put servos in there, and the Titan comes to life... like the kid's dream, when one's dreamed about building the robots that he watched on the cartoons.

Very very beautiful work. Congrats.
Corner Bastions,

In the past few weeks I've managed to complete hundreds of components out of thousands of bits on plastic.

I have far outstripped my budget and my original ambition for this project.

Seen below is my first trial assembly of the corner Bastion with its corner pylons each of with consumed days of tedious assembly.

The trim bound by gum bands on the left contains 98 assembled strips each containing 8 bits of meticulously crafted styrene plastic.


On the right of the image is another bound bundle of trim 32 assembled strips each containing 6 bits of styrene.


I rebuilt the corner upper bastions to be more compact and began the upper gun mounts flanking the pylons.

I decided to take a break from the frantic pace and post an update while I regroup and begin completing the other 7 pylons and mounting them on the upper bastions.
Unreal! This is extraordinary. I understand that you need a break. Just take all the time you need, relax a bit, refuel and then tackle it again. We will be there, with our jaws gathered collectively from the floor. :)
Thanks for the replies,

Whew; well it took the better part of a month but I finally finished the corner obelisks. Literally thousands of pieces


But I think it was worth it.


I can't wait until they're painted gold and graphite and installed on the Titan's super structure.


The beauty of these modular constructions is that I can begin painting as soon as the sub-structures are completed....

To my satisfaction that is so there are the discrepancies to be dealt with.

But these are sufficiently done so I can begin working on the gun mountings on these units. it will be a release from the tedium as I only need eight gun emplacements.

Piece o' cake. :D